Obama and TV News Burn-out
I am working to avoid Obamaitis. It can be self-inflicted by over-exposure to too much of seeing President Obama on television, even in commercials. Good grief!
Conservative Beach Girl is speech protected in accordance with the Constitution of the United States of America. "The Constitution is not a suicide pact" - Justice Robert H. Jackson, 1949. Our representative republic based on our U.S. Constitution has many wolves slashing at our heels and hearts. Enemies within and enemies without; we must take them at their word, even as they dissemble at every turn to advance their cause to destroy our way of life and end our freedoms.
I am working to avoid Obamaitis. It can be self-inflicted by over-exposure to too much of seeing President Obama on television, even in commercials. Good grief!
The very best of CONGRATULATIONS and good wishes to Roger and Mirka Federer on the births of their sweet little Swiss Misses. Twins - perfect for doubles and singles tennis or whatever they choose to do when they grow up.
What an Orwellian world or Alice in Wonderland world we have been plunged into? Or perhaps more true to form, it is a Bolshevik world... The House of Representatives is busily dictatong the words that can be used to put down the President of the United States in the hallowed halls of our Republic. You gotta be rollin' in laughter at this nonsense. With a H/T to Drudge, here's the post by Glenn Thrush at Politico: House guidelines for Presidential putdowns. Let's start with what you cannot call the President: a Liar, a Hypocrite and other things that may be quite accurate representations. This Democrat House of Representatives never ceases to amuse. Either they are spending us blind and into oblivion - as in WE ARE BROKE; or they make themselves the laughing stock of the world. It is true, finally, in their own acts and deeds - the liberal 'progressives' have no sense of humor. They are certainly not planning ahead. Why ever must they feel that they must be so defensive on behalf of President Obama. Is he not strong enough to take the opposition disagreement that other presidents have taken throughout our history? I think he's plenty strong. Or is their defensiveness born out by their racism? (Read Destiny Denied by Shelby Steele for a perspective on the liberal's view.)
In this debate about the federal taking over 20% of our private industry through their ruthless take over of all health care in the United States, we need to look also at the bureaucracy that will be running or ending your life and mine based own something like "actuarial tables" but not for our longevity but for our early demise. First I want to refer you to an article by Sarah Palin: Obama and the Bureaucratization of Health Care. And next to a comment from Watch Dog at Mindless and Spineless, a fellow blogger: Obama and his thugs scream at us that there no mention RATIONING or DEATH PANELS in the Bill as it now stands.In a very technical sense, they are correct—those words rationing and death panel do not appear. However, there are at least 5 places were the Bill sets up a committee or group that will determine who will and will not get treated. If that is not rationing, what is? One committee will determine at what age you are still qualified to receive specific procedures, based on price. If that doesn’t reach both rationing and determination of who lives and who dies (a death panel), what does? Note: Canada has enacted regulations that are going to terminate any services beyond regular medication for everyone seventy or older. We will very shortly reach a point where we will have more people using Social Security than are workers paying into Social Security. That is going to a big problem. What better way for the Liberals to fix it than to eliminate as many over 65 as possible? And babies with birth defects? The Health Care Czar is on record that he favors termination of every person that cannot contribute to the needs of the many. There is little room for doubt that we have elected a devout Marxist to the Oval Office who has appointed nearly 40 Czars that are not elected, vetted, or approved by Congress, or authorized anywhere in the Constitution. They are accountable to no one other than Obama! Talk about a Shadow Government! Do not lose sight of the fact that Obama and several of his thug Czars admire Hugo Chavez! Elections may well be a thing of the past and in the very near future~.....(end) We should consider that the demographics of those over 55 or over 65 are probably more heavily skewed toward one ethnic group. My guess is that the Baby Boomers are more skewed to a given ethnic group, probably any folks with European heritage. We know that Mr. Obama's Health Care Czar favors infanticide and going after those over 65 could - with flights of fancy - meet their maker under what Sarah Palin's noted as "death panels" built into the bureaucracy. But surely, no one would dare consider the notion of genocide or "ethnic cleansing" under the guise of a "health care" program. That would be outrageous, a horrible thought to even "dare" to think but it would cut medical costs. Outrageous; could NEVER happen in America...
According to Byron York in his article, Health care reform means more power to the IRS, the IRS would monitor the level of health care we have right there on our good old 1040.
In England, terminally ill patients are made to die prematurely. Kate Devlin has a good article published in the Daily Telegraph of London: Sentenced to death on the NHS. NHS is their national health program or overseeing board. But that is not all:
Under NHS guidelines introduced across England to help doctors and medical staff in dealing with dying patients, they can then have fluid and drugs withdrawn and many are put on continuous sedation until they pass away.This is what is planned for us in America. Regardless of Terri Schiavo's mental condition, I have always believed that as a nation we will pay the the government of Florida under COURT orders denied her even the luxury of ice chips. She was murdered by the state and she didn't get the benefit of a lethal injection. No, she was starved to death and all fluids were withdrawn. It took Terri what 12 to 13 days to die under heinous cruelty with no appeals and having committed no crime. Shame on us!
1) reduce the care2) reduce the population receiving the care
It's time for Americans to stop Mr. Obama's madhatter dash to takeover American private industry. He's got the automobile industry of our former Big Three; he's got our banks, large and small; and he is striving mightily to get our entire health care industry lock, stock, and barrel with the now called Kennedy Health Care Act ????. Keep in mind that the late Senator Kennedy did not have the health care the Democrat elite want to force upon us. Obama won't have to sacrifice his family on the altar of the health program that Americans may be forced to kneel upon. The 'health care legislation' means that all of the health care industry from private company medical research, to hospitals, doctors, and most near and dear to us - our own well-being and the eventual well-being of our children and grand children. Mr. Obama has legislated our children and grandchildren into slavery through the mountains of debt he chalked up in his first 6 months. Where the cries from the media? Can't you hear the cries had this been George W. Bush's actions and Bush had his own fair share of piling up debt but Obama is just the conduit for more staggering debt. In America, we have elections every 2 years when ALL representatives come up for re-election and the Senators in one of three classes come up for re-election. The Founders staggered the elections of Senators so that the entire Senate would not come up for re-election during the same Congressional term. Here you can find a list of the Senators coming up for re-election in 2010: Senators up for election in 2010. Several of the Senators are resigning so their seats will be open. There a few more Republican Senators up for re-election than Democrats but this year several really 'nasty' Democrats are coming up one of whom is Barbara Boxer from California. It is time to STOP Obama's grip on legislation and it is time to call his hand on naming 47 or more CZARS who are accountable to no one but Obama. On the matter of CZARS, it is time for Congress to challenge Obama's power to work outside of the Constitution. If we can take back the Senate, we can stop or at least slow down what is becoming tyranny and Obama's quick-step march to enslave us and control us from cradle-to-grave. The choice is ours. We must work within the peaceful avenues open to us to clamp down on the current Executive Administration.
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