Monday, August 23, 2010

Opposition to Mosque like persecution of Jews: Ha, Ha, Ha

Some of these Islamists who want to destroy our government and put us all under Sharia Law, are a laugh a minute.
"A leader of a planned Muslim community center near Manhattan's Ground Zero compared opposition to the project to the persecution of Jews, in comments that could add to the controversy over the center's proposed site."
Opposition to Mosque at Ground Zero...
And this mosque, aka, cultural center can say that with a straight face?  Who wants to kill Jews and annihilate Israel and drive Jews into the see?
No Muslims are being persecuted here.  They have more freedoms here than they can dream of having in Saudi Arabia or other Islamic-ruled nations.
Next - coming up a show on the persecution of Muslims in America where they attend the best universities and get foot washing stations to boot.
No moron, we don't want the "Victory Mosque" to use the Baron's phrase at Ground Zero.  Good grief.  That fellow planner must take lessons in "keeping a straight face" when telling lies to we infidels.  Now, he's the type who gives our Muslim friends and neighbors a bad name.


Blogger trencherbone said...

'Religious' tolerance?

The privileges of being classed as religion should be withdrawn from Islam.

If Hitler had claimed that 'Mein Kampf' was dictated by God, would we be forced to tolerate the Nazi Party as a religion? Islam is first and foremost a mind-destroying, totalitarian political ideology that spreads through the Body Politic like a virus.

Winston Churchill gave the correct diagnosis over a century ago, when he compared Islam to a contagious virus or meme - 'as dangerous in a man as rabies in a dog'

Consequently, Islam should be reclassified from 'RELIGION' to 'PUBLIC MENTAL HEALTH PROBLEM' - a virulent contagious mental illness. It could then be contained by the methods used to prevent the spread of typhoid and other lethal epidemics: enforced exclusion and quarantine of carriers, eradication of foci of infection, immunization of the susceptible population etc.

12:22 PM  

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