Monday, May 31, 2010

Note to BeBe Netanyahu on US backed UN anti-nuclear move

Israel recoils as US backs UN nuclear move. Nothing I will say is new to you and your IDF because you are strategists and tacticians. I don't want to sound unbelieving but here it is. Iranian leaders have sworn to drive you / Israel into the sea. They have no regard for the million of so Arabs who live in Israel because the Iranians are not Arabs. but looking at a world map here's what I see for starters. With the capabilities he has or will have MAD JAD of Iran can probably strike any place in Israel. I don't know if he can hit southern France, southern Spain, Greece, or Italy but if he can, the time may come when you and you alone will be the defender of the Mediterranean coastal nations. Thinking of those folks as infidels even though many who practice Islam live in those regions now, that would be of little cost to MAD JAD's culture of death as Osama bin Laden calls it since as he says our weakness is that we value life while his folks value death, theirs as well as ours. I don't believe Mad Jad is concerned about drawing Egypt or other such nations into a conflict on his side or if so, it is only to use them. I am naive when it comes to the Middle East but I know young Iranians was a democratic republic. If they could do that and not use the Koran as their law, then there would be hope in the Middle East but first back to MAD JAD. I think he would only strike you if he baited you into striking him first. Since you are wise to his games, you know better how to deal with him. For the current US administration to give you assurances they would veto or vote against the UN nuclear move that would impact you, and if one were to believe that, I think our president said in one of his books which I refuse to purchase, that he would always stand with Muslims against non-Muslims. That should be your answer as to the strength of his alliance with just about anyone while Americans generally support you. Every Western nation or NATO nation would do well to be on their toes and work more together with you for the safety and protection of all of us. Take care, don't give up anything, and build all you want on the West Bank. Anyone telling you to give up any defensive positions you have against such vocal threats of annihilation is nuts. Most Americans dislike the administration's policies and as the president says, "We ain't seen nothing yet." I'd do what I had to do to protect my nation and its citizens and take names later but the UN is not now and will never be your friend or ours with 57 Islamic nations as members not to mention Hugo Chavez and company...


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