Presidential Put-downs - Catch 22
What an Orwellian world or Alice in Wonderland world we have been plunged into? Or perhaps more true to form, it is a Bolshevik world... The House of Representatives is busily dictatong the words that can be used to put down the President of the United States in the hallowed halls of our Republic. You gotta be rollin' in laughter at this nonsense. With a H/T to Drudge, here's the post by Glenn Thrush at Politico: House guidelines for Presidential putdowns. Let's start with what you cannot call the President: a Liar, a Hypocrite and other things that may be quite accurate representations. This Democrat House of Representatives never ceases to amuse. Either they are spending us blind and into oblivion - as in WE ARE BROKE; or they make themselves the laughing stock of the world. It is true, finally, in their own acts and deeds - the liberal 'progressives' have no sense of humor. They are certainly not planning ahead. Why ever must they feel that they must be so defensive on behalf of President Obama. Is he not strong enough to take the opposition disagreement that other presidents have taken throughout our history? I think he's plenty strong. Or is their defensiveness born out by their racism? (Read Destiny Denied by Shelby Steele for a perspective on the liberal's view.)
"It is true, finally, in their own acts and deeds - the liberal 'progressives' have no sense of humor."
Laugh, if you will, trivialize, if you must, and mock, if you dare, the outburst by Joe Wilson- especially if what he did gives you a warm, fuzzy feeling. But I have a real concern - when a WHITE CONGRESSMAN from South Carolina (probably the most intolerant state in the union) calls the first BLACK PRESIDENT of The United States a liar while he's making a speech before a joint session of Congress.
So you better watch your mouth, sister! Otherwise the Obama goon squad will be after you.
"Good news for us when we have a Republican president in 2012."
Why do you think we are going to be allowed to have an election in 2012, BG? At this point, I think that is simply naive. Sure, that's when the Constitutional process calls for the next election to be held. How much of the rest of the Constitution do you see being followed at this point? I see no reason to bet on an election either. We have fallen into tyranny, and we are more likely to have a bloody revolution than an electon, in my opinion.
Dr. D, you are so correct. Haven't been posting lately Pasadena. And the first black American president was Bill Clinton according to Toni Morrison (?) and where is that birth certificate anyway? LIghten-up lefties, first they came for our banks, and then they came for our industries, and then they came for......
@ Bobillw
A truthful white man, wherever he is from, calling out our lying black impostor in the White House really does sting doesn't it? The truth always has a bite to it, no matter where it comes from.
Who is black and who is white in this matter really makes no difference at all. All that really matters is who is telling the truth and who is lying, and BO was lying through his teeth, and he knew it. He is a highly accomplished liar.
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