Hate Crimes laws protect "whom"? Wink-wink
Is Congress declaring open-season for crimes against our white citizens? Does the legislation give a "wink wink" and a "nod nod" to citizens or illegal aliens who target white Americans? Are crimes against white people such as Christian and Newsom prosecuted as "hate crimes". Or are such heinous crimes just crimes done by those "oh-you-know-they-were-just-meaning-to-hijack-a-car" and things got out of hand. Really? Two items in Congress are of particular interest in that the passage of one, House Resolution 288[HRES 288 IH] from the 109th Congress, and now the passage of HR 1592, Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007 set the stage for violation of the "equal protection" aspects of Constitution of the United States of America. Both the House Resolution 288 and HR 1592 are the "evil spawn" of Rep. John Conyers who has a very large Islamic constituency which is the motivation behind the bills. When viewed with reason, both HRES 288 and HR 1592 do violate the "equal protection" aspects of the US Constitution in that the same crime against some folks is simply not as important as the exact same crime against other folks. A good lawyer should take these legislated prejudices all the way up to the Supreme Court. Technically one is a resolution setting the stage for later bills, HRES 288 IH (House Resolution 288) HR 288 which, as a resolution, effectively sets the stage for the repeal of Freedom of Speech as the resolution opens the door for "hate speech" legislation to protect "you know who" from any mention of "you know whose" religion.
H.R. 288 Text Summary Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives condemning bigotry and religious intolerance, and recognizing that holy books of every religion should be treated with dignity and respect. Whereas believers of all religions, including the Abrahamic faiths of Christianity, Judaism and Islam, should be treated with respect and dignity; Whereas the word Islam comes from the Arabic root word meaning “peace” and “submission”; Whereas there are an estimated 7,000,000 Muslims in America, from a wide variety of ethnic backgrounds, forming an integral part of the social fabric of America; Whereas the Quran is the holy book for Muslims who recite passages from it in prayer and learn valuable lessons about peace, humanity and spirituality; Whereas it should never be official policy of the United States Government to disparage the Quran, Islam, or any religion in any way, shape, or form; Whereas mistreatment of prisoners and disrespect toward the holy book of any religion is unacceptable and against civilized humanity; Whereas the infringement of an individual’s right to freedom of religion violates the Constitution and laws of the United States: Now, therefore, be it 1 Resolved, That the House of Representatives– (1) condemns bigotry, acts of violence, and intolerance against any religious group, including our friends, neighbors, and citizens of the Islamic faith; (2) declares that the civil rights and civil liberties of all individuals, including those of the Islamic faith, should be protected; (3) recognizes that the Quran, the holy book of Islam, as any other holy book of any religion, should be treated with dignity and respect; and (4) calls upon local, State, and Federal authorities to work to prevent bias-motivated crimes and acts against all individuals, including those of the Islamic faith. ____________________________ The entire bill is a straw-man in that no one in America is infringing upon an individual's right to freedom of religion. When that "religion" has as its goal, the overthrow of our laws and of our civilization, are we to continue to view it as a "religion" or have the leaders quoted above been quite plain in their intent? If the answer is yes, then which "religion" is intolerant?Now we can protect our friends from bigotry, et al; but who will protect us from our friends? Lets do the right thing and start acknowledging that Islam is using two sharp-edged swords to drive right into the heart of American justice and equality before the law: the "religious" thrust of superiority - the Flying Imams - and the political thrust [see Stop the Project which details in full the Islamic plan/project to dominate or bring into submission the United States of America. From "The Muslim Brotherhood Project" by Patrick Poole, Mr. Poole provides the English translation of the "project". I quote here, "To get the "project" started and to focus the "strategy for Islamic policy [or "political Islam"]. From HR 1592, Local Law Enforcement Hate Crimes Prevention Act of 2007, which is a good deal about federal grants and federal funding to local law enforcement - more of the camel's nose under the tent - we find explicitly stated.
SEC. 8←→. RULE OF CONSTRUCTION. Nothing in this Act, or the amendments made by this Act, shall be construed to prohibit any expressive conduct protected from legal prohibition by, or any activities protected by the free speech or free exercise clauses of, the First Amendment to the Constitution.We'll see. Both bills are designed to confer special, protected status upon denoted "endangered" groups of people either based upon their sexual preference OR most notably based upon their declared "religious" practices or their religion. In this case, both the House Resolution 288 and the House Bill 1592 (passed 237-180) set the language in place for the inclusion of "hate speech" wording when nothing could be farther from the truth but then that is what Orwell was all about - anything upside down in an Alice in Wonderland world was about anything but the truth. In fact, the resolution and the bill set the stage to stifle the truth and to hide the truth under the cover of a legislatively regulated "black out". See Special Victims have to wait in line with the rest of us, by Dymphna. As my mother said, "Never try to improve upon perfection." Dymphna's post is clear and provides personal experience relative to a beating inflicted upon her son by non-white "youth" about the special privilege status of "other than white" people in America today and special superiority of folks who are "non-Christian", "non-Jewish", or the one-size-fits-all "non-Muslim". HR 288, a House Resolution, overtly confers special privilege status on Muslims and upon Islam simply through the mention of the "religion" of Islam and the Qur'an to the exclusion of other religions. Republicans voted for this "hate crimes" legislation which must violate the "equal protection" guaranteed under the US Constitution to all of us:
Biggert; Bono; Dent; Diaz-Balart, L.; Diaz-Balart, M.; English (PA); Ferguson; Frelinghuysen; Gerlach; Gilchrest; Kirk; Kuhl (NY); Lattood; LoBiondo; McCrery; Platts; Porter; Price; Pryce (OH); Reichert; Ros-Lehtinen; Saxton; Shays; Walden (OR); Walsh (NY).Extra reading that you may find interesting: Islamic Dominance of the West vs Founders' Quote 12/19/1776 Free to say What? What all the fuss is about in Finland and Europe regarding "hate speech" vs Freedom of Speech! Ethnic Agitation in Finland The Multicultural News from Berlin There will always be an England... Not A brave Muslim speaks out in We export violence. In an interview, Mr. Al-Musawi says, "We suffer from backwardness." Is he an apostate? Is he lying under the approval of Shari'a Law? Is he pleading for reform in Islam? Are Mr. Al-Musawi's words inflamatory as Mikko Ellila's words have been deemed to be in Finland? Or has Mr. Al-Musawi engaged in "hate speech" because he has expressed an opinion about the current state of Islam? Certainly, Islamist imams would seek to silence him. If they would strive to silence him through death or other means, they will not hesitate to use our laws to silence us. With Representatives such as John Conyers, they could not have a better or more vocal anti-American, anti-equal protection voice in Congress.
To find out, Yahoo or Google "The Earliest 'Hate' Criminals" while it is still legal in America to read it.
Great post, lots of excellent info and links; a scary situation indeed. 'Endangered' groups? Like they're spotted owls or something...
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
put an end to free speech
calling a racist racist
shall be prohibited
Thank you for the comments. "Calling a racist racist shall be prohibited." Indeed and then of course which racist determines whose comments, editorials, et al, are "racist?"
Whoever has the power, of course!
I'm a spotted owl - not numerically but am effectively being legislated to be a "spotted owl". Too bad there is no one there to protect and perserve the spotted owl from the Religion of Global Warming.
You're very welcome, thank you. I wonder when someone will try and make 'global warming denial' a crime.
absurd thought -
God of the Universe says
keep trying to kill FREE speech
someday will be illegal
to accuse of terrorism
"Global warming denial" is a sacrilege - punishable by excommunication and exhorborant fines!
Liberal left wants a religion so badly they are forever creating them such as Kwansa (made up by a Berkeley professor in early-1960s - no association with Africa at all) and now it is on our calendar.
Build a different mousetrap and folks will flock to give money they don't have....
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