Monday, October 04, 2010

Blacks approval of Obama: 91% - is that approval race-based?

Blacks approval of Obama is at 91 %.

Black Americans must be happy with Mr. Obama's racist Department of Justice as long as it serves their needs.  Hmm...

And look at all the destruction we have done to the education of our youth throughout America due directly to political correctness which pampers everyone except folks with white skin and robs all American youth of the educations they need or would need in an advanced society.  No worry there as the Progressives are going to ensure that our society is hardly "advanced."

I guess I just have to accept that 91% of Black Americans are racists because no one who wants equality before the law can approve of Mr. Obama's Department of Justice attitude that Civil Rights and Voter Rights Legislation was not designed to protect and provide equal justice for all Americans.

I have been saying for a long time when non-Hispanic white folks were no longer have a voice, there would be no "minority" equality for them before the law.  Looks like Mr. Obama supports and Black Americas support him in his racist, anti-white folks policies.

Can you imagine how funny the concept is of white folks, non-Hispanic white folks to be specific, asking for equal rights.  Look what those policemen in CT had to go through because qualified officers were passed-over with preference to non-qualified black officers.  Qualified minority officers were discriminated against as were the non-Hispanic white folks.

Just lovely, absolutely lovely.  And you wonder why Tea Party folks are tired of supporting a racist government...

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