Monday, September 27, 2010

Imam Rauf will allow Feds to approve funders for Victory Mosque

Mosque Man Blinks and just think here in the United States the Islamist Imam Rauf whom our State Department sends globe-trotting will allow, that's right, he'll allow our Feds to approve or vet the folks who will provide funding for the Ground Zero or more appropriately named Victory Mosque.

Rauf will allow our Feds to approve the folks who will fund the mosque.

What?  This mosque not should be built within seven or eight thousand miles of Ground Zero.  When a church goes up in Saudi Arabia then maybe another mosque can be built someplace within the United States.  Islam is not a religion, it is a political ideology draped in religious garb.

I'm certainly glad Rauf will allow our Feds to approve those who will fund the Dead End Mosque.  That's decent of him but how about moving it to Canada and see how they like it.

We don't need one more mosque in America, that would be Central America, South America, North America and certainly not one more in England and France...


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