Kagan Senate Hearings
Kagan Senate Hearings: Why bother? I think it is a waste of taxpayer money to waste one second in Senate Hearings over the nomination of Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court. Nothing short of well who knows what will stop her being confirmed in the Senate by the "evil" democrats and the RINOs from Maine. Are there concerns about her becoming an Associate of the Supreme Court? Sure? On this one I have to take a pass. The Republicans will confirm her some may vote NO as they should for the record but "hearings" are a joke unless something comes out of the blue to derail her confirmation. The Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee are so sleazy that watching them would be a waste. At least Arlen Specter won't be there much longer. Thank God for small favors. Maybe God has not turned his back on us after all.
We're still a center-right country, much to the dismay of our Left Wing counter parts. Obama's policies, affiliations, and vacuous rhetoric will cost he and the Dems in the November midterm elections, and Kagan's appointment is just another reason why.
During this upside-down time, I try to keep remembering that things change and the pendulum swings to bring itself back into balance. I never thought I would see such anti-Americanism from our own White House. Obama uses every opportunity to smash us or blame us. I wonder if he realizes that he is playing to the rest of the world and making seem weaker and more unreliable as an ally with every passing day. It is amazing to me. Thank you for dropping by. The Kagan nomination is troublesome but not surprising. I expect Ginsburg to resign any day now.
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