Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Senator-elect Brown defeats Dems in Mass.

Well, shiver me timbers. Let's have fish and chips at the Grotto. Mercy sakes, America! If the folks in MA vote for our republic and the preservation of our U.S. Constitution and the balance of power established therein, it can happen anywhere. Scott Brown's defeat of Dems. in Massachusetts spells a charge of momentum for the GOP going into the Elections of 2010 and for freedom loving Americans everywhere. A vote for Senator-elect Brown was a vote against the soft tyranny of the current Administration and the blatant arrogance of the Speaker of the House and the Majority Leader of the Senate. By the way, why is Harry "light skinned" no "Negro accent" Reid still the Majority Leader in the Senate? It must be the soft bigotry and soft racism of the Democrats of Randy Newman's song, "Rednecks," with the Dems still keeping the black folks down. No more, laddies. We're all Americans now...and... We don't want no Marxist Socialism. When Senator-elect Brown will be allowed to be seated in the U.S. Senate is anyone's guess. Having lived in MA for several years, I recall the state has been locked down tight as a Kennedy Compound of power and control. As Senator-elect Brown reminded everyone, he was not running to fill Ted Kennedy's seat that he had held for 1/2 a century in the Senate. It was and is the "people's" Senate seat. In and of himself, Ted Kennedy's tenure was a cry for "term limits" but alas, I believe we as voters set the term limits and the voters of MA have set the term limits for the Democrats in at least one Senate seat. Let's hope John F. Kerry will have his term ended when he comes up for re-election. No doubt Teresa Heines wants him out of the house and not under foot but she has the money to send him packing anywhere she wants him to be doing whatever she wants him to be doing. Ain't ketchup grand? Congratulations to Senator-elect Scott Brown! Whoo hoo! Jan. 19, 2010 is a mighty fine day!!!


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