Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Iran and its youth: just a note to encourage you

This is a quick note to the youth of Iran who are rebelling against the illegitimate regime of the Ayatollah Khomeini and Ahmadinejad.
Keep up the good work and please, please remember this:
If Ahmadinejad goads Israel into defending itself and bombing one of his real or fake nuclear processing plants, please know that Israel is NOT attacking you or your nation. Please don't allow Ahmadinejad to use both you and your love of your nation and Israel as pawns to keep his illegitimate, ruthless regime that hangs innocent young women in power.
Iran was behind the "war" between Israel and Lebanon Islamists. Don't let Ahmadinejad use you or Israel again to keep his shaky power structure in place.
Please remember too that when what is now the United States of America fought against King George III for independence, it was the young men who fought along side the older men. Alexander Hamilton was 19 or 20ish when he fought and General George Washington was only 43 when he took command of the Continental Army such as it was.
Keep your faith in the goal of attaining a democratic republic where even I as a Christian can worship without fear just as the followers of Islam can worship freely here in the United States with no "political religious" police harassing us.
I'll write more about this later but know that you and I are not natural "enemies" and you will win your democratic republic in the long run. Evil can last only so long in the face of earnest youth who want freedom and democracy.

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Blogger Gabriella said...

Hi politicalbeachgirl

I have already added your blog in my blog on my friend's blog.

Please check and add my blog in your "Blogs i like section".

Please add and Good day to have you this nice noon.


4:14 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Vijay - blog added to list. Like your space-station shuttle blog.

7:00 AM  

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