Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Brown senate race in MA: Voter fraud must be documented and stopped

PLEASE read Pam's post and help identify and stop voter fraud by Democ-rat machine in MA now to give Brown a fair chance to win this Senate seat. Haven't we had enough of the arrogance and bullying under the current Administration? We need to stop them and stopping them starts at the polls with FAIR elections.
From Atlas Shrugs: Poll Monitor the Brown race: Volunteer! Democ-rat CORRUPTION and Illegal Voter FRAUD must be documented.
Not in Massachusetts and think you can't help; think again and get in the race to identify and stop voter fraud. The Democ-rats are pulling out all of the stops to win this Senate seat. Brown needs our help. From Atlas Shrugs, here's one way we can help from anywhere:
Those of us who live outside Massachusetts can help locate possible problem areas. How? By Googling around to see where there were anomalies, allegations, election complaints, or irregularities in the past. Tune into local races, like past mayor, sheriff or town council elections. Flag locations of interest by e-mailing them to crew@blackboxvoting.org or posting information in the Massachusetts section of our Web site.
I apologize for being tardy in getting this out, my fault. Information comes from Larwyn. Please help Brown win this Senate seat.
Do we want another "Al Franken-like" election for a seat in the Senate of the United States?
I have worked as a poll watcher inside a voting place but as Pam Geller shows us, we don't have to be there to help identify voter fraud.
One thing inside to watch for is a person coming to vote who has already submitted an absentee/mail-in ballot.

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