Thursday, October 22, 2009

Obama: One American's Apology

Apologies for every deed America has ever done since before the beginning of recorded time seems to be the MO of our own President so I felt I should follow His example. My apology is precipitated based upon a chat I had with an active duty member of our military. The military active duty person did not say anything because as I pointed out, any comments would be unseemly since the President, being the Commander-in-Chief although AWOL since Afghanistan is not a "football game" and He's not out for victory there, is still the dithering commander-in-chief. On that issue, either have our military personnel there to win flat out or bring them home NOW. Don't shed one more drop of American blood under such leadership.
So here with, allow me to apologize to the following:
  • most heartfelt to our men and women in uniform for the commander we have foisted upon them. I apologize for the disservice we have done to you and to the banner you wave. Maybe things will change and he'll "man-up" but don't know;
  • all of us who are seeing our monetary system, our hard earned savings being devalued daily by the monster tax-cheat at Treasury;
  • whatever remains of the free world and especially Poland and the others we have left defenseless against Russia, not to mention breaking our word;
  • to Sarkosky of France for giving him a kaniption fit and causing him to call our president something like the weakest president we've ever had. I have often wondered if Jimma Carta would be out done but could be. And President Carter does have a real Ph.D. in Physics, I think. In this I made an error. Here is the correction: Upon the death of his father, James Earl Carter, Sr., in July 1953, Lieutenant Carter immediately resigned his commission, and he was discharged from the Navy on October 9, 1953.[12][13] This cut short his nuclear powerplant operator training, and he was never able to serve on a nuclear submarine, since the first boat of that fleet, the USS Nautilus (SSN-571), was launched on January 17, 1955, over a year after his discharge from the Navy.[14] from Wikipedia. Seems Mr. Carter never completed his navy nuke operator training. I trained and worked with men we called "navy nukes" when I worked at a private nuclear power electrical generating station. So, I did make an error of major proportions. H/T to Dr. D.
  • to the Afghan people who will be slaughtered when our child president, otherwise known to some as an "empty suit", leaves them to their fate.
  • to all of the American people who are being kicked around in this power grab known as "health care". This is all about the government controlling and taking over 20% of our remaining private sector. And "death panels" is not a far stretch. I prefer to look at the legislation more in terms as legislated genocide, kinda like Rawanda with machettes, only it is more benign looking, just denial of medical care based on either age or medical condition. Oh, and if you young folks don't buy the care, you get fined. Ain't no free lunch here.
No doubt I have left out some people but the president and his team are showing themselves to be small, boys and girls with untold power, like the boys in Conrad's Lord of the Flies - a terrifying bunch. Our White House is lead by folks like Ann Dunn who follow the great mass murderer of his own people, Mao.
Attacking Fox News and others who are pointing out the shell games these powerful people are playing with our lives is only smoke, mirrors, and distraction.
But take heart. I heard one genuine historian say the other day what we Americans must remember and we must act upon because we have it in our power to do so. We must read our Constitution. We must know that any legislation created we can repeal. And, in 2010, we can vote in conservative Congressmen and Senators.
I urge you to contact your Senators and Congressmen and keep up with how they are voting. And check to see which Senators are up for re-election in 2010. The Democrat Senators are especially vulnerable as more of Mr. Obama's anti-American or extra-constitutional policies such as his kazillion czars, no "advise and consent" vetting from the Senate there for his Marxist, Communist, Maoist buddies. Obama has set up a government within a government and it is that government he is using to bring "change" or "non-violent overthrow" of our capitalist system to America.
How long before his czars are controlling pay scales across America? When they get the MEDICAL COMMUNITY or 20% of our private sector, well, ......
Make no mistake, the boys in The Lord of the Flies were very, very dangerous. They had no adult supervision.
Americans MUST vote in 2010 to get Pelosi removed from her position as Speaker of the House by voting in conservatives. If the Blue Dog Democrats hold together, good for them. If they don't, then they'll have to be voted out. My Congressman is a Blue Dog Democrat. I know Pelosi is letting him vote against her to help him save his Congressional seat but we'll see.
And watch your Senators. Thirteen Democrat Senators voted with the Republicans yesterday.
We have to be vigilant. This is our America; it does not belong to the ghost of Saul Alinsky or to Ann Dunn's Chairman Mao.


Blogger Dr.D said...

When did the peanut farmer get a PhD in physics? As far as I know, he has an engineering degree in nuclear engineering and worked in the nuclear navy. That is not quite the same thing! Don't give him credit for something far beyond his scope!

If we don't make a major correction in 2010, we are cooked. If we do throw them over in 2010, then by 2012 we might be able to save the country. We are right on the edge of the precipice. I am still stunned at the number of people who say things to the effect of "(yawn)... it has been like this lots of times before, and everything always works out ok, so I'm going back to sleep..." It HAS NOT been like this many times before, it has never been like this before at all! We have never been this close to losing everything due to apathy and loss of interest on the part of Americans. We are in deep, deep trouble!

6:45 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Dr. D - I stand corrected: Upon the death of his father, James Earl Carter, Sr., in July 1953, Lieutenant Carter immediately resigned his commission, and he was discharged from the Navy on October 9, 1953.[12][13] This cut short his nuclear powerplant operator training, and he was never able to serve on a nuclear submarine, since the first boat of that fleet, the USS Nautilus (SSN-571), was launched on January 17, 1955, over a year after his discharge from the Navy.[14] from Wikipedia. Seems Mr. Carter never completed his navy nuke operator training. I trained and worked with men we called "navy nukes" when I worked at a private nuclear power electrical generating station. So, I did make an error of major proportions. Carter did however, like Bama, get paid off with the now worthless Nobel Peace Prize.

4:33 AM  
Blogger Dr.D said...

"Carter did however, like Bama, get paid off with the now worthless Nobel Peace Prize."

What an apt turn of phrase!! They are totally worthless. I keep expecting to find one in my Cheerios box every morning. Of course, it carries a sort of "guilt by association" values with it now when you consider all those who have received it.

9:55 AM  

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