Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Ted Kennedy dies on August 25, 2009

Ted Kennedy dies on August 25, 2009.
One thing folks can do at this time is search on Mary Jo Kopechne and read what many people have forgotten or are too young to know about the good Senator Ted Kennedy.  Here is one site that mentions all of the praise and some of the past experiences of Ted Kennedy who relentlessly battled the demons of alcohol and womanizing if the stories are true.
Senator Ted Kennedy is a good example of why we should consider revising the U.S. Constitution so that Senators represent the States and are not elected by popular vote and have limited terms in office.
Frankly, I could not stand Ted Kennedy as a politician.  Regarding Ted Kennedy, I have no way of knowing what he was like as a father, as a child to his parents, as a husband to his first wife, or as a grandfather.  I do know what the lives of some alcoholics are like but no need to go there.Ted Kennedy was probably just a lovable man to his family and friends; a gracious host and a man who loved his family...
So, bon voyage, Ted.  You lived a charmed life of powerful control in the Senate and riches, and...  
At last there is justice for Mary Jo Kopechne.
May she rest in peace and may her family know that there are Americans who remember them as we remember her.  We remain sorry for your loss, for the loss of your daughter. 



Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wish the Dems would let him "rest in peace" instead of using him...

8:11 AM  

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