Friday, August 07, 2009

Obama: War on Terrorism ends; war against Islam begins?

According to Jon Ward writing at The Washington Times: U.S. no longer at war with terrorism.  Wait, war on terrorism ends and war against Islam begins???  That can't be right.  I didn't say that.  Read the article. Well, I'm glad that's over. Now maybe we can dismantle all the NSA and CIA programs and all of the cottage industry programs that have sprung up like dandelions to get the money associated with the "war on terrorism."  The Lord knows we are not defending our borders sufficiently;  nor are we supporting our Border Patrol adequately.  Maybe some more money can go to them. I agree with Obama that "terrorism" is a tactic as in "terrorize" but "terrorism" is the method of WAR engaged in in a guerilla war. However, we must keep in mind that al Qaeda and its assorted allies are only the surrogates for Syria, Iran, and others who cannot take us on in a head-on, uniformed army manner. From that perspective, they are all cowards. Also from that perspective, the Democrats in Congress must allow us to drill for oil and other sources of energy that we have available so that we can become independent of OPEC. To do otherwise, makes the Democrats complicit in this war against the United States and other remaining Western societies.
That's right.  As long as Democrats in Congress tie our hands from developing our resources, those Democrats are waging war against their own nation and they are directly supporting OPEC and the "terrorists" aligned against us.  And they have blood on their hands.


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