Thursday, March 12, 2009

Obama: Will brown shirts wear green?

Will Obama's Civilian SS "brownshirts" wear green and report to San Fran Van Jones? The ruberic is to start out with community service - like the Peace Corps - learning to do "green" jobs and then going on to community colleges and/or jobs. Early-on, Obama said loudly before the presidential election that we needed a "civilian national security force" as well funded as our military that would act within our nation - presumably against our citizens. I wrote "the brown shirts are coming; the brown shirts are coming." But the color of the shirt is not important. What is important is that Obama is appointing people to positions of immense power, positions - appointment to which - circumvent any Congressional scrutiny or oversight - not that the Dems do that very well anyway (Barney and Chris come to mind) - but Obama is building his Csars that are accountable to no one except him with powers given to them by him. The goal is Nationalist Socialism; the end of our free market capitalism; the end of our freedoms through the destructive "green" laws. Just look at your excellent "government ordered" toilets that you must flush TWICE and look at the HAZ-MAT light bulbs. Look at a world map. How in the world can the United States of America be shackled with such destructive regulations and maintain a dynamic economy? Just search on Van Jones - Green Csar - for plenty of posts. By the way, Jones graduated Yale Law in 1993 and did the Obama-deal, got involved in "grant" funded or 501 (c) 3 groups. H/T to Michael Savage of San Francisco who knows of Van Jones and Jones' work against the San Francisco police for years: Obama appoints cop-hater as 'green czar' Additional Van Jones info: Van Jones just confirmed as Obama’s ‘Green Jobs Czar’ The Green Solution Friedman on Van Jones, an "organizer" who has attacked the police in San Francisco for years has been appointed by Obama as the Green Jobs Czar. What does that mean? Remember, Obama was a "community agitator" who taught ACORN folks how to intimidate bankers into giving risky loans, a national group already in place with millions of tax dollars funding them; a group easily converted into "green shirts". An SFPD detective is now talking on Savage's show about how Jones has his own bodyguards, intimidated the police. Essentially to protect the detective no much can be said... Jones has testified for "green jobs" before Congress twice (?) already. I think one thing we have to be very aware of is that Obama is moving very quickly from one thing to the next so that we cannot focus on anything. He has a compliant Congress unless San Fran Nan gets her nose out of joint if she can't get a military plane when she wants it but otherwise, Obama will work fast before we have a chance to know what hit us. Stalin worked quickly too but he "ate" the ones who put him in power. Well, he didn't "eat" them; he sent them to the camps or otherwise got rid of them when they had outlived their usefulness.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I imagine Obamessiah has decided it best to hold off on the madatory Civilian Defense service for now... but no one should imagine that he and Michelle and Rahm and Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and gang have at all given up on their Afro-Centric Lenninist agenda to overthrow complacent, racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, capitalism in this country!

First he will busy himself with seizing "the commanding heights" of the economy--as Lenin prescribed, and as his own economic theorists lay out unabashedly with the same language.

It's really amazing to me how dumb the Leftist elites think all the hateful white crackers out there are!

Oh well, keep your chin up Beach Girl!

D. Ox

12:33 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Mandatory service, eh? Sounds like the draft to me! Hmmm... for disenfranchised youth perhaps. Thank you, D O - gotta keep that chin up - easier to hit and good friends out here across the internet.

It is interesting to me that the Leftist elites thing all the "white crackers" are hateful when to see such hatred it could be posited that one must have the hatred within one's self. The Leftist elites simply hate us. The good news right now is that we do not put our ethnicity on our IRS tax forms. Of course, that could change.

I have a person who once called himself my friend and now harasses me here at my blog. My mistake in ever giving him my url. Liberals always go for name-calling first, second, and last, but hate us they do.

Chin up! Thank you for letting me be on your Dumb Ox list of posts. I appreciate all the traffic that provides.

10:29 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

DO - your comment: but no one should imagine that he and Michelle and Rahm and Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and gang have at all given up on their Afro-Centric Lenninist agenda to overthrow complacent, racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, capitalism in this country!but no one should imagine that he and Michelle and Rahm and Rev. Wright and Bill Ayers and gang have at all given up on their Afro-Centric Lenninist agenda to overthrow complacent, racist, sexist, homophobic, imperialist, capitalism in this country!

That is funny. Won't it be fun to see the Leftist liberals in the US duke it out with the Islamists who kill homosexuals and otherwise have the same goals as the Leftists - with the exception of abortion of course.

Isn't it curious that our US liberal leftists have the same goals for America as the Islamists. Hmmm....

10:32 PM  

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