Friday, June 06, 2008

Congress: 40 years of suicidal energy policy; see H.R. 2415

Arguably, the Democrat-controlled Congress, not entirely by itself but very nearly so, is responsible for the defunct energy policy of the United States.  Further, though, I have to wonder why the Democrat-far-left seems bent on destroying our free-enterprise system and replacing it with Socialist-Marxism.  Back to the gas prices... 
It is the regulatory insanity of the Congress (I refer to the House and the Senate) that has:
  • sent our jobs overseas (insane corporate taxes, second highest in industrialized nations); 
  • shutdown our oil refining capabilities;  
  • handcuffed us from drilling off-shore;  
  • restricted our drilling here at home;  
  • refused to allow us to drill in ANWR (the size of a postage stamp on a football);  
  • and thus is encouraging China and Cuba to enter into arrangements to slant-drill into what could very well be our own under-water oil fields off our coast below Florida.  To me, such drilling would be - in any other time with men with balls in positions of defending our nation - an act of war against the United States;  but that's just me, a little girl.
At Blue Collar Republican, you'll find a good bit of information about H. R. 2415.  I recommend the post:  Marsha Blackburn, when are you going to Co-sponsor HR 2415.
When you scream and shout at the President Bush for our dependence upon Saudi oil, don't. Look at your Congressman, that same Congressman who wants to keep you dependent upon the handouts he wants to give you to buy your vote.
As Americans, we can solve our own problems and we can develop ways to help each other.  We don't need government to do it.  Government stifles and destroys much of what it seeks to control:  one example, our national educational system, once the envy of the world, now our students, generally speaking are functionally illiterate.
In searching for H. R. 2415, Affordable Gas Price Act which was re-introduced into the 110th Congress by Representative Ron Paul, I came across something you may also find interesting and helpful in understanding how we got to the place where we are today:  The Democrat Assault on American Energy, May 2008.  The document is a policy brief/study conducted and compiled by the Republican Study Committee.  Rep. Jeb Hensarling, R-Tx is the Chairman of the Committee. 
The short synopsis for HR 2415 is "To reduce the price of gasoline by allowing for offshore drilling, eliminating Federal obstacles to constructing refineries and providing incentives for investment in refineries, suspending Federal fuel taxes when gasoline prices reach a benchmark amount, and promoting free trade."
Well, there you have it.  No chance because the legislation - gasp - encourages incentives for the risks oil companies take...  No, we'd be oh-so-much better off with the likes of Maxine Waters "nationalizing" our oil companies - then they'd move all their jobs off-shore.  What a blooming id-jiot?  How do people like that ever get elected?  Can't be the government schools?  Right, she's too busy encouraging her constituents to riot.  Remember the days of the O.J. Simpson trial(?) when she was threatening to call folks out to burn LA down?  Mercy...
Check into that study if you like and check out HR 2415.  I wonder why it has no co-sponsors???


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