Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama: Marching toward Red Square

Lenin would be proud of Obama and perhaps the Islamists are as well.  I cannot say...yet,
Soon election day will be upon us and it will be our turn to go to the polls and vote in the general election.  We'll cast our votes and we'll pray the election isn't rigged.  But most disturbing in all the election hype of the approaching general campaign is the seeming willingness on the part of some Americans to throw away their birth-right and put their arms out for the chains and shackles of slavery to the ever-increasing government growing like a green gunge across the land.
But is that so?  Is increasing Socialism the direction in which our great nation is heading?  Where are the days of John F. Kennedy, "Ask not what your country can do for you, but rather what you can do for your country?"  As I have written before, is Freedom just too hard?  
Have we been so blinded by the "give me" mentality that we are willing to sell our souls and the birth-right of our children for handouts, for cradle-to-grave dictatorship from the government?  
I ask you to read a post written by my friend over at Liberally Conservative and ask yourself - is Obama's Marxist view of America the one you want for yourself and for your children?  Is his America of platitudes and handouts - where slouth is rewarded and achievement punished with ever-increasing taxes?  Read what my friend has to say and then cast your vote for the America you want, the America so many of us have fought and died for over the generations...
Moving toward Socialism - America's Choice!  As my friend says, we don't have to move toward more Socialism.  We are Americans.  We have a choice.  It is up to us to put strong individualist into Congress and the Senate who stand for individual freedoms as set forth in the U.S. Constitution.
Our Constitution is there for us.  If our elected folks in Washington won't defend our Constitution and by extension, our individual rights and freedoms, we need to elect people who will.
God bless you, our men and women serving in the military, and our great nation!  Freedom is not free;  and Freedom takes vigilance and hard work!  Never let it be said that we weakened in either.


Blogger Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

Great post and I vote no for socialism and being punished just because I choose to work hard.

On the other hand, there is a part of me that would like to see Obama in the White House. Well, not just Obama but a black president just for the sake of getting the racist monkey off our backs. Will having a black president say to the world that in America anyone can become president -even a black man?

11:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I absolutely agree with you, but some data suggests that at the present time, Obama will win the electoral vote by a considerable margin. This is depressing news, because it strongly suggests that American voters are daft.

Obama is without leadership experience, has no cogent policy, is a dangerous leftist, endorsed by Hamas, supported by Carter, a separatist, and a racist with close ties to the Nation of Islam. In spite of that, most people apparently think he is qualified because . . . well, he is black, after all.

I may start drinking while I can still afford the price of beer.

2:25 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Better a qualified president than an "affirmative action" president. How long did it take Guiliani to clean-up New York after the "General" Dinkins? Can the United States afford that? And to whom exactly must we prove anything? The world already hates us - especially those getting our financial aid, so what does it matter. I don't give a tinker's ..... if we are liked or not and I'd rather keep that aid money here at home, bribery and dhimmitude to Islamic nations is a sin of major proportions. Just one woman's opinion.

Oh, no! The thought police are coming, the thought police are coming - I wrote it down. Yes, we cannot even mention "His" wife's name - whatever will we do if, God forbid, she-who-must-remain-nameless should become the First Affirmative Action Woman in the Big House?

Will be interesting to see the Nation of Islam body-guards replacing the Secret Service. We should be so lucky. And a guy who couldn't even pass a background check become president. Boy-howdy! We may prove what a great educational system we have - worth every penny!

But then, The Affirmative Action Duo may not make it to the White House after all. I'd really hate to get there knowing it was because of "liberal" white guilt folks who were just voting to get it over with and saying - "Okay, let's get this over with. He'll do so much damage, we won't have to put up with this kind of mess for a couple of centuries by which time we won't have to put up with it at all because our "presidents" such as they are will be named by the UN - like ambassadors...

11:53 AM  
Blogger Neponset River Bridge Dig said...

I did say there was a part of me that wanted to see Obama in the White house not ALL of me. Of course I don't think he is qualified and you make a good point about affirmitive action. We are starting to se many results of that in our everyday lives. It's one of the reasons so much work is leaving the country.

4:38 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Rich, good point about why so much work is leaving the country. Hadn't thought of that before. I would suspect some Americans, in the form of contractors, are following those jobs overseas too because they can be hired there and not be discriminated against by quotas that companies have to follow here.

What a great doctoral thesis topic? What a good research study? How about sending it along to Jeb Hensarling, R-Tx, Chairman of the Republican Study Committee in Congress? Or waiting until you get there and then recommending it. What a great study?

How many jobs - high skilled jobs leave the country because of affirmative action regulations? How many of our highly trained folks follow these jobs and are hired as contractors overseas where the Congressional regulations can't touch the corporations? Incentive for the contractors because they get "tax-free" incomes for some of the jobs such as our oil folks who live in Saudi Arabia to mention one place.

How many of these jobs are related to alternative fuel development? to research of various kinds? Highly skilled white men and women must be getting jobs someplace. Michael Savage studied plant/herb life in the South Pacific for decades, wrote 18 books because after getting a PhD from Berkeley (sp), he couldn't get a job as a professor because, as he was told, he was white.

Great -super-great - research study topic!!!

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I took your advice and read the Liberal Conservative's post on Movig Toward Socialism .... and he and I had a lively discussion in the comments sectoin.

6:52 AM  
Blogger Rich said...

Beach Girl: We head in the direction of socialism because it is, as you have stated, so much easier than fighting for freedom. Obama if elected, will create such chaos in our economy that the only "solution" will be more government. More government control of our lives, our economy, and our freedoms. It will not be as many conservatives suggest, "good" for conservatism. This is a dangerous time to allow Obama a chance just so we can get some perceived "monkey" off our back. I have no monkey on my back. Slavery was ugly but we can't do for others if they will not do for themselves. That would be very leftist (elitist), wouldn't it?

I am getting spammed continuously from left wing dems about Obama. We need to keep educating and fighting. Fight on!!!

10:23 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Good for you, Bobillw. Liberally Conservative is a long-time friend of mine and I recommend his work. He is also very gifted and much more able to converse on some of these subjects than I am.

I hope you'll read him often.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Good for you, Bobillw. Liberally Conservative is a long-time friend of mine and I recommend his work. He is also very gifted and much more able to converse on some of these subjects than I am.

I hope you'll read him often.

9:22 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Good for you, Bobillw. Liberally Conservative is a long-time friend of mine and I recommend his work. He is also very gifted and much more able to converse on some of these subjects than I am.

I hope you'll read him often.

9:22 AM  

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