Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Islam: Totalitarianism Writ Large

People of the world are living in troubling times.  Totalitarianism, Fascism, and other such terms are being thrown around with wild abandon but not from wild speculation but rather, I suggest, to get us used to the sound of no hands clapping.  
The European Union is moving on apace to close the noose around the necks of Europeans and snuff the life out of them, to open their nations and their cultures to the Dementors of Islamic Imperialism, just as the nightmarish spectors tormented Harry Potter and his friends only these are not of the imagination, they are cut from whole black cloth.
Through his words, Mr. Geert Wilders makes it clear that he wants to make a distinction between Muslim men and women and the ideology of Islam which may well be 90-95% a political/social ideology like Marxism and 5-10% of a religious nature.  Wilders' movie/film is called Fitna.
The video of Mr. Wilders' speech can been seen in its entirity at the Gates of Vienna:   Geert Wilders' Speech at Danish Parliament Building.
Attempts are being made to awaken Europeans to the nature of the threat/challenge they face through the encroachment of Islam - the political ideology which demands total and complete submission to, I suggest, the laws of men in the guise of mullahs/religious leaders seeking power for it is always man's eternal push for power over his fellow man that seeks to enslave, to punish, to harm, and even to kill dissenting voices. 
Mr. Wilders emphasizes a clear distinction between Muslim men and women, pointing out that when he speaks of Islam and its ideology, he is not criticizing these men and women.  His distinction is a good point because, from my perspective, these men and women are as much enslaved by the inability to criticize Islam and its strictures as we infidels are.  
And this inability for honest dialogue slams shut the door for open communications which would allow all of us to move forward toward freedom and liberty.  Instead, the ideology of Islam - by its very warring nature - forces it into conflict with Western cultures and civilizations into an "us" vs "them" situation of confrontation with little hope for peaceful resolutions.
We must be ever-mindful of the challenge of our times - radical, encroaching Islam and the encroachment of Sharia Law upon our institutions of Liberty and Freedom.  As we have seen, there is no freedom of speech in Islam;  there is no freedom for women; and perhaps we should not even talk about those ideas so near and dear to the hearts of many in America today - "abortion on demand" and "homosexual marriage."  Both go over really well in Islamic Republics!  Right!  In both cases, the Islamist leaders probably make our Christian Right look like tools of the far-left.  Good grief...
Let me say it again:  the ideology of Islam is not compatible with a democratic, representative government.  The ideology of Islam is submission to the Supreme Leader.  Everyone who believes Mad Jad runs Iran, raise your hands!

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