Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Hillary's Decision: Go for the Gold Ring!

Seems the Marxists/Socialists, euphemistically known as the Democrat Party, are waiting for Hillary Clinton to make a decision. Just one article, Dems urge decision; Obama waits for meeting. For what? Obama has the delegates. He doesn't need Hillary to do or say anything. Obama is for taking us to the worn-out and tried Marxist/Communism of the days of Lenin and later Stalin. Heck, we can't even speak "her" name, the name of his wife now without being called something or other. Just about as bad as "criticizing female mutilation of Islam", for goodness sake; or the persecution and enslavement of Christians in Northern Africa today. Hush, hush... Now, to me the most fun decision Hillary could make - and I thought her speech was the most alive, most unifying speech any of the three liberals have given in this latest round - presidential even, would be to go to the Liberty Bell at Independence Hall in Philadelphia. Stand before that majestic bell and say something such as this:
"My fellow Americans, I have run for the presidency as the Democrat nominee. Together, you and I have amassed 18 million votes, just 4 million shy of what my husband received to win the presidency. 
And now, because of your support and because of the support of many more Americans who like-wise have been disenfranchised by the "major" political parties, I declare my Independent candidacy today before you, right here and now, in the cradle of the birthplace of our Liberty. 
Yes, this is a risky step.  I know I have pursued socialist policies in the past but, like Saul on the road to Damascus, I too have seen the light of freedom in you eyes as I crossed America.  You want access; not government-dictated control of your every move.
Ours is a nation where Liberty and American creative are our most valuable commodities, our most precious resources, our freedom to work and achieve the highest we can attain; where we as Americans do not want or deserve the heavy boot of government regulation and oppression but rather a hand up when we need it and otherwise, non-interference when we don't. We can list our concerns, the issues we need to fix, and together we can fix them with what is great about America. Our ingenuity! Our indomitable spirit! Our faith in each other! I will work to remove the heavy boot of government smashing down upon our backs; I will work to lift the regulations that have kept us slaves to Saudi oil; I will work to end corporate taxes that have sent our jobs - AMERICAN jobs - overseas! 
Yes, Congress - this Congress - is responsible for your higher gas prices and higher food prices.  Your Democrat Congress...and American jobs - Ross was right - NAFTA is still causing that sucking sound that is pulling your pay check overseas.
Yes, American jobs are sent overseas by CONGRESS and its death-grip upon American businesses, large and small. I release all of my Democrat delegates to vote for Mr. Obama and Communism, a Communism designed to bring our nation to its knees as Nikita Kruschev promised it would happen from within.  Well, I won't let that happen. Today, I declare my candidacy as the Independent Candidate for you, the American people, for the Presidency of the United States of America! God bless you! And God bless the United States of America! May our Freedoms and Liberties grow once more from this, our birthplace of FREEDOM!"
Of course, sadly, I know this is only a day-dream but our nation is crying for statesmanship! Statesmanship, not more regulation, not larger government - we are crying for freedom to be Americans, not slaves... Where are our statesmen?    


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