Sunday, October 14, 2007

Judeo-Christian culture and the West with comment from Dumb Ox

From a visitor regarding a recent post: Condell is correct in his opposition to Islam, but he fails to understand that the whole basis for European society, and indeed all of Western society, is found in Judeo-Christian culture. He wants to eliminate all religion within society, and that would be a huge mistake. There are lots of folks in the USA that think much as Condell does, and they are mistaken for the same reasons. If we take away the basis for our culture, why would we expect our culture to stand? That seems pretty irrational. The very reason that Europe is caving in so readily to Islam is that they have already given up voluntarily the Judeo- Christian basis of their culture, and they have lost confidence in themselves and their culture as a result. We must not follow them down that fatal path. In summary then, Condell has it half right; we must oppose Islam with everything we've got. He's wrong in wanting to eliminate the Church from society. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Through Judeo-Christian culture, we in the West have 5,000 years plus or minus a few years of heritage and roots. And over time we have been influenced by other cultures as well, especially those of the Far East through trade, ie - the Silk Route, Marco Polo, et al. Right now I'm reading Genghis Khan as well as re-reading the posts linked in Najistani's recent post published here under Islam: Tyranny Stalin would envy or "a religion of peace". Islam is a veritable up-start as cultures go and the West, particularly the United States is seen as barely a toddler. Maybe so but the United States and Australia are based upon thousands of years of culture. In the United States, the Founding Fathers knew our form of self-government is an experiment, one on tender threads, one that requires the individual to be responsible for himself and his family and his decisions. We seem to be willing to move far from that ideal as we are march-stepped almost willingly into more and more socialism and government tyranny by the day. We need government out of our public school education; that is a States' Rights issue. I don't want a microchip in my children, a mark on my forehead, my DNA and fingerprint on a Real ID Card, or a GPS unit in my car. Have we turned ourselves into "easy pickings"? Is individual freedom and responsibility just too much work? Is that why we take refuge under the brutal cloak of government handouts? Giving up freedom for security? The best security we will ever have is found in our freedoms. The movie, Breach, is one I find particularly intriguing. I don't know why. The movie is about Robert Hanssen - the most effective spy against our nation that we have uncovered to-date. But in the movie, Chris Cooper playing Robert Hanssen asks his clerk if the clerk knows why Russia fell? The clerk says, "No, boss." Hanssen remarks, "Godlessness...." We have freedom of religion here; it is one of our God-given freedoms, endowed by our Creator. Unlike the President's clearly humiliating remark made in obeisance to Islam that "we" all worship the same God, that freedom of religion we all seem to honor did not come from Allah nor from a theocracy that is a political ideology in clerics' garb. No freely practiced religion in the United States is sworn to destroy our nation, our culture, and place us into dhimmitude/servitude, only an autocratic ideology of hatred is sworn to do that. Hmmm.... Just whom might that be? And still, I have faith in the American people that at their core they will defend what is the "American culture". If that America is no more as some write, only time will tell. When one is living through history - as we are and as have our fathers before us - it is difficult to step back and see the larger picture. We could use a few visionaries and statesmen in the political realm but that may be really too much to ask. It is interesting to me that the United States does not colonize other nations but right now we have Islamic colonies throughout our nation and we are assuredly being colonized by Mexico. So far so good for the ALCA crowd but what happens if, over a few generations, someone flips the switch and the peasants say, "Wait, this democratic representative government stuff is not so bad. I don't want my money going to support xyz, yada, yada, yada..." We have never colonized other nations; yet we readily let others colonize our nation. What's up with that? Well, it is Sunday morning and time for church... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following is a comment from Dumb Ox which I want to include here to clarify. With H/T to Dumb Ox and many thanks: "The East and Middle East have contributed near zero to the West... don't be misled by the PC and Islamist liars. I've been teaching Western Civilization for over 15 years and can assure you that apart from the zero (which is from INDIA and NOT from the Arabs) little of scientific or philosophical importance to our civilization can be traced to Asia or the Arabs. Jewish monotheism and Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christian love have been the decisive shapers of our culture. The other, vastly unreported heritage, but one of which the Founding Fathers of the U.S. were tremendously aware, is the Germanic conception of liberty and limited government. All three sources (Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and Germanic) were essential to our way of life--particularly in the Anglo-Saxon countries. It is no accident that only the Anglo-Saxon countries find themselves standing up for truth and liberty."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

The East and Middle East have contributed near zero to the West... don't be misled by the PC and Islamist liars. I've been teaching Western Civilization for over 15 years and can assure you that apart from the zero (which is from INDIA and NOT from the Arabs) little of scientific or philosophical importance to our civilization can be traced to Asia or the Arabs.
Jewish monotheism and Greek philosophy, Roman law and Christian love have been the decisive shapers of our culture. The other, vastly unreported heritage, but one of which the Founding Fathers of the U.S. were tremendously aware, is the Germanic conception of liberty and limited government. All three sources (Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian, and Germanic) were essential to our way of life--particularly in the Anglo-Saxon countries. It is no accident that only the Anglo-Saxon countries find themselves standing up for truth and liberty.
Otherwise, fine post!!!

12:46 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Hi there! Thank you for the comment, will post it with the post itself.

3:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dumb Ox,

At least you named yourself aptly.

I can't believe idiots like you and Beach Bunny are teaching school.

What a disgrace.

Hey, Beach only post comments that agree with you, I see. No surprise there.

5:37 PM  

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