Friday, October 12, 2007

Vicente Fox and the North American Union or ALCA

We are "screwed" or so it seems. I just read the transcript of Vicente Fox in a recent interview (Larry King Live) and found that he and El Presidente Bush have agreed on what they call ALCA. Go here FTAA to read more. It is astonishing and the overthrow of the United States of America and our sovereignty has been going on for a very long time. The North American Union is no conspiracy theory, nor is it "bunk". When both President Bush and his mouth-piece Fred Barnes said that the North American Union was just fiction, I knew we were on to something. But to crush the American people with more and more tax burdens and more and more illegal aliens to bring us to our knees in order to make us "scream" for a new currency - well, that should be unbelievable but sadly, it is not. It is amazing the arrogant confidence of both Fox and the Islamists - both tell us what they are doing and going to do to tear us down. Wonder what they'll get when or if they are successful? Just search ALCA and you'll find enough references to make you sick. You know, a common sense reason and placing the United States with the consent of its legal citizens knowingly in the lead - well that is one thing - but the manner they are going about bringing us down or trying to bring us down is interesting. You may also like the transcript at Glenn Beck. Also, Free Trade Area of the Americas. There is a nice list of the nations that have expressed an intererst in joining this "kill the United States of America" plan. One thing for certain, the "agreement" will make drug-trafficing and human smuggling much easier. I just have one question: Will Mexico allow American citizens to move to Mexico for jobs? Well, cultures and nations come and go. Maybe the ideals of our Founding Fathers are just too hard. Maybe individual responsibility and freedom are just too much... Question: I just read the King-Fox transcript. Seems we are going to give Mexico 1 billion dollars over two years to fight the drug cartels. Wouldn't it just be easier to pay off the drug cartel leaders?


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