Thursday, November 30, 2006

Iraq MUST NOT be lost; America under attack by more subtle means

Iraq MUST NOT be lost and America is fully under attack by more subtle means right here at home where our laws and our idiotic suicidal mantra of "diversity" are killing us by letting the camel's nose under the tent, as it were. The war in Iraq and must not be lost regardless of who is in the White House. Too much is at stake. I am researching right now to determine if the UN is under the control of the Islamists and dictator nations. My guess is yes with 57 Islamic nations in the UN and with other dictatorships or totalitarian nations there as well. This "take over" does not bode well for Iraq, for Israel, or for the United States and every other "freedom" oriented nation. The situation in Iraq is no longer "child's play" for politicians. We need statesmen. We need them right now. In Iraqis pull out over Bush meeting, we learn of the pull-out by al-Sadr of his people from the Iraqi government. We are dealing with petulent children demonstrating pre-adolescent behavior - "I'm takin' my marbles and not gonna play wid you any more...." The war in Iraq is coalescing into a definitive war for control of the Middle East and by extension control of Europe and ultimately democratic republics through extortion and the treat of nuclear attacks. Iraq is not for political banter any longer. It is serious business and it is a battle to stop the march of Islamic Imperialism that is attacking the entire globe as I write. We, the American people, must "gird our loins", make the sacrifices, and fight as though our lives and culture depend upon the outcome in Iraq because they do. As a nation, we in the United States MUST set aside all of the pros and cons of why we should or should not be in Iraq; who did what to whom and who made this or that mistake. We must engage collectively in this war. As Iraq goes, so goes Europe and perhaps the West - some wounds of course self-inflicted. But, make no mistake, Islamic Imperialism is on the march; the ayatollah and the mullahs, not to mention Mad Jad see the West as weak, more enarmoured with material possessions than with spine and principle; for them, their time is now. The time for the re-emergence of Islamic domination world-wide is now. Our President Bush - whom I support on this issue - was right to "take" the war to them; however, they - Iran, Syria - have turned the war in Iraq into their war against the West. If a true civil war breaks out in the Iraq, one that I say our mainstream media is "praying" for - to increase their ratings no doubt, all hell will break loose in the Middle East and the foes of democracy and freedom will have won. I have to wonder if Mad Jad and our Dems are working on their combined "talking points". Looks like it... I tell you now, leaving Iraq before that government is stable will ensure a blood-bath in Iraq and will leave the nation open for Iran to emerge as the clear winner, controlling the Middle East as well as Europe/Eurabia. It is already on its way in Indonesia and now Thailand is the most recent conquest. (See my recent posts on the topic) Further, we must be absolutely awake to the subtle tactics of the Islamification of the United States that are occurring within our nation. The Somalia taxi drivers are one example. The imams, Planely Provocative and Marshals decry imams' charges, clearly provoked an incident for the purpose of turning the incident around and making the security-conscious crew, marshals, and flying public the perpetrators of "crimes" against Islam. The tactics of the imams and the taxi drivers are designed to push the envelope; they are skirmishes in the war, in the defense of our nation against the goals of Islamic Imperialism. You must be warned and you must take it seriously. For the first time in our nation's history, a congressman-elect will take his oath to uphold the Constitution of the United States with the Koran in his hand. In the Koran, one is allowed and encouraged to lie to deceive the infidel if done to advance Islam; Islam is a political ideology that does not support the separation of church and state. Based on these teachings, the role of any practicing Muslim seems to this "infidel" to be directly in opposition to our freedoms of speech, the press, et al, and certainly in opposition to our separation of church and state. In Islam, the "religion" is the STATE. Tread with opened eyes and stay safe...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said. When do we start
engaging collectively? I'm
ready. When I engage Liberals
it's like being on another planet.
And it ain't earth. Yet it's
better than talking to ourselves
all the time.
Let's hope there is a big
push in Iraq. I think we know
time is short. How do we tell
the cool people?

9:00 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

One, you can contact CENTCOM to be able to speak with a military person to give them encouragement from home.

Become aware of the "dhimmitude" that is/may be being forced on your local school district. More on that later.

Steve, Mad Jad is getting talking points from the Dems or perhaps they are getting theirs from him. Looks that way. But I say, more joint talking points echoing each other so the American people can see who is anti-America and who isn't.

9:19 PM  
Blogger MathewK said...

I think the American people are clever enoungh to be disturbed when an al-qaeda welcomes the election of democrats and laments a conservative.

Only stupid liberals won't be able to see this.

11:24 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

We can only hope, MK. Just hope we don't have to pay too much for these last elections.

1:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CB Girl, Thank you for the
concrete suggestions. I do try
to communicate with our troops
and vets. To tell how proud of them we are.
The Word-Drum has written a
tribute to them, a song called
Soldier Of Light. The Word-Drum
is working to connect all sides
(except the enemy side).
That was a powerful letter
you posted a few days ago, from
a French jew. I sent it to my

2:29 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Sent it to everyone you know. The word must be gotten out. thank you.

3:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I served in Iraq. A noble mission. You people are all talk. If you are so pro-America why don't you up and serve as well. Bunch of hyprocrits

6:14 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Thanks for the suggestion. In my personal case, I have lost friends to war, nearly lost my husband. I not able to sign-up to serve but I am working with soldiers in Iraq today. Not all of us are physically able to serve - this is the only way we have to fight with you - it is the only way.

We may be seen as hypocrits to you and you are free to call us that if you like but for those of us who must rely on younger and stronger men and women such as yourself, how would you recommend we engage in this battle of a long war?

Just shut up? Let Islamists take over our schools and universities? Would you prefer euthanasia for us?

Some of us have our children serving in Iraq. Some of us have lost our children in Iraq.

I can very much respect you for your service and for the horrors you must have seen; certainly, you more than most must know that this is a war with a PR front and it is a war being fought in our courts. CAIR has 5 offices throughout California alone; there is a Wahhabi corridor in Virginia. If you wish, call our elected officials who do nothing hypocrits - your anger would be better placed there.

You did fight for the freedom to call us hypocrits and so you have. At the risk of unintentionally encouraging more of your wrath, we are not the enemy and I, for one, thank you for your service and thank you for what you have sacrificed to protect me. It is sad that you don't think I am worthy of your protection because I know you are worthy of my honor and respect.

Did you know that, as stupid as it may sound to you, some of us feel very helpless? Our government is not engaging the citizenry in this war. The only thing I can do is walk up to a man or woman in the military uniform of our nation and simply thank them.

This war is being fought on many fronts; in many nations - and in some cases the pen is a mighty weapon as well. In some nations, people who use the pen suffer grave consequences, even the forfiture of their lives.

Because of you and only because of you, my right to use the pen still exists. Your mission was and is worthy and noble. In your eyes, am I not even worthy enough to thank you? Do you think so little of me, one for whom you did fight?

If you are expressing the sentiments of our soldiers against the citizens of the United States, the country they/the soldiers are protecting, then why the hell did you go? And why should I even care that the liberal left wishes to bring you home in defeat and disgrace?

I care because I see you as noble and honorable. I care because I don't want one lost life or one injured soldier to have made the sacrifice in vain. What do you do? You attack the very people who support you whether in the field of battle or on the college campuses as returning veterans.

I only thought we were battling the liberal left and the Islamists who want to overthrow our government. I had no idea our military soldiers loathed us as well. What a shocker!

I'm reading Inflitration by Paul Sperry at the moment.

If you loath me so much, then maybe we should just all give up, bring you home, and get measured for burkas, or is it just women you don't think are worthy?

7:16 PM  

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