Thursday, November 30, 2006

Coalition to Preserve Civilization

A new post has been entered at the Gates of Vienna, Coalition to Preserve Civilization. Much is happening in this area and I recommend that you take a look at this post by the Baron. The effort crosses religious boundaries of Christian denominations and Judaic sects. Many actions are being taken by "radical" so-called imams within the United States as elsewhere to push the envelope and see how far they can go in screaming "victim" by setting the stage for their cries of "victim". All efforts, such as the taxi drivers, etc. are geared to have Islam treated differently, with submission and using the technique of dhimmitude, it is working. I will post more on this and provide you with links. Remember, no special "status" or treatment for any religion in the United States. If Christian children can't have Bible study in public schools, then Muslim children should not be allowed to disrupt classes with their prayers. Jewish children never asked for special status in public schools. Think about this and be on the watch. The cause is just; the time is now; you can make a difference - in the survival of our Western Civilization and the freedoms that have made the United States so strong in the past - even beyond the valuable work you are doing now. Remember, the goal of the Islamists is not to push their "religion" right now so much as it is to force us to change our way of life. Then pushing their superiority and the "superiority" of their "religion" will be next. I use quotation marks around "religion" in this case because the ideology with its political arm (CAIR and others), its military arm (jihadists, Hamas, Hezbollah, and others), and robed "religious" arm(the imams and mullahs) are all parts of the same goal - Islamic world-domination. You absolutely must be aware and active in your local school system to keep these "seemingly" innocuous changes and bowing of school board officials to the false god of "multiculturalism" from taking place. There is a difference between respecting each other's religion and the imposition of Sharia Law, de facto through subtle means, upon us. My concern is not with one being a Buddhist, a Hindu, a Baptist, a Catholic, a Druid, or a Mormon. My concern is with the impostion of Sharia Law upon our culture and the incursion of Islamists pleading "victimhood" as a means to "special treatment" under the law for Islam, and the hood-winking of us into the trap under the guise of "religious freedom" and "diversity". In the case of Sharia Law, the Islamists and the imams in the airplane incident designed to provoke and create the incident are putting the tools to good use. Don't let them get away with provoking incidents and then screaming foul... Haven't we, as a nation, really had enough of that for the last 40 years or so from the 'race-baiters' unjustly pitting one ethnic group of Americans against another, so that we no longer, as a nation, have to take the bait? Have we learned nothing over the years from these extortionist techniques? It is time to call their bluff and say, "It ain't workin' no more. Period!" It's really simple. You want to have a nice little, peaceful religion, go to your services and such, that's one thing. But to provoke incidents and to want to "over-throw" our history, our heritage, our way of life - no, non, neyet, nada. By the way, how many churches have been built in Saudi Arabia lately? In Egypt? Anywhere in the Middle East? Oh, I forgot, the ones that do exist there from by-gone days are being burned... Stay safe... You really don't want to turn our culture over to the Secularists do you? It's just one step from there to....


Blogger The Prophet said...

why would the mullahs and the imams and the followers of the religion of peace be bothered, trying to over throw the US government and the US constitution, all they have to do is wait, and soon the united states will self destruct, financially and as a country as it is destroyed morally,and we don't want to care,we will let the chips fall where they may,

3:04 PM  

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