Wednesday, July 29, 2009

H.R. 1444 Civic Service Act: just a few cells in the womb of Congress.

With a H/T to Tammy at Tammy's World on a bill we should all know about : H.R. 1444, Congressional Commission on Civic Service Act. Maybe it's the Obama Draft Bill and maybe it's the bill upon which he'll build his National Civilian Security Force or whatever he's calling it. Short name: Mullahs' Religious Police who will be intruding on your every move. We're so much into "when life begins" at conception or when the baby is allowed to be born that I wondered when a bill is born: in committee or when it is signed. In committee of course. Let's start "aborting" some of these bills while they are in the "couple of messy cells" stage until having to wait until we have to resort to "partial bill abortion." See Now that site is good for your health and it is a good place to start culling bills or the ideas for legislation when they are only a twinkling in their Big Daddy's eye.


Blogger Tammy said...

Thanks for the link. It is a bill that should not be forgotten. It was hot news for a while when it was in H.R. 1388. Then they removed the mandatory part and slipped it quietly into a new bill. My greatest fear is that this bill will slide through attached to another bill in the middle of the night. We must be ever vigilant in keeping these bills in our view.

Great website. I will be a loyal follower.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Tammy, their bills are like termites and they never give up.

12:04 PM  

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