Liberal slam-dunk in Florida
Well, the liberal left won on all fronts yesterday in the Florida Primary. Did you ever wonder what a Hillary/McCain ticket would look like? Now that would be an interesting co-presidency. They both get the nomination from their respective political party and then meet in the smoke-filled room to decide which one will be the other one's VP running-mate. Hey, as liberal as McCain is and as Socialist (ahem, for lack of a better word) Hillary is, they could be a match made in Hell just salivating to enslave the American people. We'd have MANDATED health insurance. We'd have 20,000,000 new citizens awarded citizenship by presidential fiat, ah signing statement or executive order. Who needs the red tape? Certainly don't want to waste red tape on illegal aliens. They'll save the red tape for the likes of me and you. They could change our monetary system, MANDATE our new flag for the North American Union, and put everyone they put out of work onto welfare as long as the fella is not white. Open up our nation to the corruption of Mexico so instead of spreading "democracy" we're contracting violence, unsafe streets, and importing corruption from a society where the patron system thrives. And the brave American people could say, "Go into the military and fight for this illegitimate bastard of a tri-national hodgepodge, no way, Jose. Just give me my food stamps and screw you. I'm fighting for the red, white, and blue or I'm not serving." Unless Romney and Huckabee can get moving, the Republican Party will become just an arm for the DNC. Conservative/constitutional values of individual freedoms and individual responsibilities will cease - nearly 2,000,000 people voted in Florida for amnesty and for socialism as well as much larger government snooping into every facet of our lives. Sadly what we watched in Florida was the "greatest generation" morphing into the "give me mine" generation; to hell with my children or grandchildren. The biggest winners of the Florida Primary - the Islamofascists. The domination they seek will be much easier to attain than they could have imagined. Like Hillary in her famous "i don't recall" testimony before Congress, we're looking more like "jello, jello, jello." Or are we?
Huckabee needs to get out now! He is splitting the conservative vote and handing it to McCain. We need to have a true two way race here or we will end up with the results you suggest. It doesn't feel good right now if you care about the future of our nation. So many greedy seniors with their hands in the till, so many illegals, so many moochers, soon the few producers will join the wagon and no one will be left to pull it; scary...
Sentenced to death: Afghan who dared to read about women's rights
A young man, a student of journalism, is sentenced to death by an Islamic court for downloading a report from the internet. The sentence is then upheld by the country's rulers. This is Afghanistan – not in Taliban times but six years after "liberation" and under the democratic rule of the West's ally Hamid Karzai.
The fate of Sayed Pervez Kambaksh has led to domestic and international protests, and deepening concern about erosion of civil liberties in Afghanistan. He was accused of blasphemy after he downloaded a report from a Farsi website which stated that Muslim fundamentalists who claimed the Koran justified the oppression of women had misrepresented the views of the prophet Mohamed.
How you can save Pervez
Sayed Pervez Kambaksh's imminent execution is an affront to civilised values. It is not, however, a foregone conclusion. If enough international pressure is brought to bear on President Karzai's government, his sentence may yet be overturned. Add your weight to the campaign by urging the Foreign Office to demand that his life be spared. Sign our e-petition at
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