Put Ann Coulter in charge of building "the fence"
Of course, we all know who Ann Coulter is and we all know what we mean when we speak of "the fence." Well, Ann Coulter's talents would be wasted in a government job - even for a nanosecond - but her idea for building "the fence" is excellent. As I heard her say on a TV interview - paraphrasing now - if we want to get the fence built, built well, and built on time, let's hire some of our "illegal aliens". Ann's absolutely right. So, let's draft Ann Coulter as Secretary of Homeland Security and let's stay out of her way to continue to exercise her "freedom of speech" with candor. Something we could use in Washington - candor, that is. Look, many of our elected "leaders" are NOT going to defend this nation from invasion, not now, not ever because the "invasion" serves their sorry self-interest. "They" shall remain nameless...
I think you might be talking about a former governor of Texas for one. I might even be able to guess a few more if I worked at it. But you are right; they have put there own interest ahead of those of the nation that they have sworn to serve, the miserable beggars!
We hear about how "hard working" those wet backs are, but I have my doubts about a lot of them. I'm not sure we would get the quality work we want with this proposal, and they might just sabotage the job. This is one fence that really needs to hold up. --Dr.D
It will hold, especially if we offer English language classes, a chance to join the Army, and a pathway to citizenship once they've earned that "opportunity." They won't want other illegals taking the place they have earned. Only talking about a few thousand folks here building the fence - not 20+ million - and no free-lunch for extended family members.
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