Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Islam vs the Light of Truth by Najistani

Just this morning, Najistani left a comment at my post, From Britain with biting satire and humor - The Trouble with Islam. I have posted Najistani's comment in full with only a few corrections. The comments reflect several of the issues with Islam and its leaders who do believe the tea leaves that their time is now. Not only the tea leaves tell them this but also the willingness of most if not all leaders/administrations of Western nations that these national leaders are ready and willing to expose their soft under-bellies and are prepared to sacrifice their people and their way of life to the lethal strike of subjugations and servitude. Keep in mind that your outward daily life such as rearing your children, going to work, reading your papers, watching your television - your big-screen plasma TV - may not change, but your freedoms will as they have been changing subtly since September 11, 2001, 9/11. And they have been - now we are herded like cattle, poked and prodded, soon we'll have our "papers" to show for any reason when the Real ID comes into effect (for the law-abiding - it is never the criminal who must worry about compliance with any law), soon we'll have 12 - 20 million new "legal residents" thanks to the bastards in our government and we'll have extended Mexico's border to Kansas City when the NAFTA super highway is opened - check SPP. We are submitting to the dictates of Shari'a Law as quickly as we can - foot-washing stations to name only one. Dell has submitted to Muslims who work for a contracting company Dell uses. Search Dell and capitulation to Islam. CAIR is proud of this submission. I read once that when all of Europe is Islamic, the fall of America will be but a poof of air. Is that going to be the case? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ But now, najistani said... Continued criticism and ridicule of Islam and its perverted founder are essential if we are ever going to eradicate this loathsome meme, or at least reduce it to manageable proportions. Unlike real religions, Islam is an all-or-nothing cult, there is no room for individual conscience or interpretation, or for give and take with other religions (except when we give and they take). A Muslim MUST believe that the entire Koran is the literal word of God, commanding believers how to behave (including such obsessive-compulsive trivialities as how to wipe your butt, as well as the more disturbing instructions to subjugate and kill unbelievers ). Not only that, but a Muslim MUST believe that God entrusted His final message to mankind (Mohammed being the 'seal of the prophets') into the care of a violent, sadistic bandit with a depraved lust for little girls. But, if the Koran is not the word of the creator of the universe then what is it? The ravings of a madman? A scam? A cynical and destructive exercise in memetic engineering ? A rapist's, extortionist's and pedophile's charter? The whole festering, stinking structure of Islam is based firstly on the trustworthiness of a pedophile (and pedophiles are notoriously deceitful confidence tricksters both to children and often also to their gullible parents). Secondly it is based upon the supposed divine origin of a hate-manual consisting of Jewish and Christian scriptures which have been misunderstood, mangled and corrupted and then liberally mixed with Mohammed's venomous rantings. The koran is full of internal inconsistencies and irrationality, including some very bizarre cosmology. So if Islam is a barbarous, irrational load of vomit spewed up by an ignorant vicious pervert, why has it lasted to the present day? The answer is that Islam produces and justifies a self-perpetuating totalitarian power-structure - a power-structure that extends from the level of the oppressive and often murderous Muslim family all the way up to national politics, where power rests in the hands of whichever Mullahs can rouse the biggest mobs of psychopathic fanatics. In order to maintain this power structure, the the cult must be placed beyond criticism. In practice this requires that all rational examination of the Koran and the 'Prophet' be stifled. This has been done very effectively in Muslim countries where insulting the 'Prophet' or desecrating the Koran carries a death sentence. The Muslims are now trying to place their cult beyond criticism in the West by a variety of means such as: - Murder (eg Theo van Gogh) - Threats of murder (eg Salman Rushie) - Riots (Motoons) - Multiculturalism (all cultures are equally valid no matter how savage, belligerent, destructive or irrational) - Post-colonial guilt (Poor muslim victims! We mustn't upset them or hurt their feelings any further) - Infiltration and intimidation of universities. - Use of petrodollars to buy media and bribe academic institutions. - Weasel words such as 'Islamophobia' and 'Respect'. Anyone who does not respect Islam is an Islamophobe, which by clever manipulation has come to be synonymous with 'racist bigot'. So nowadays the PC dhimmis often speak of 'anti-Islamic racism' or 'anti-Muslim racism', ignoring the obvious fact that being a Muslim is not genetically determined, but results from being infected with a parasitic mind-virus (meme) and brainwashed by obsessive-compulsive rituals from an early age. We kaffirs must keep up the attacks on all Islam's weak points. Like a vampire, Islam feeds on blood and abhors the sign of the cross. Like a vampire it exults in death and flourishes in the darkness of ignorance. However it cannot withstand the light of truth. Shine enough daylight on Islam and and like a vampire it will collapse into a pile of 1400 year old dust. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do not know who Najistani is but the words ring true, especially when one sees the laws that CAIR is supporting or opposing - laws written by some of our very own Congressional elected representatives who are sworn to uphold the US Constitution which stresses above all else - the equal protection clause, freedom of speech, and all the rest with which you are familiar. The Democrats in power now are fostering and nurturing the death of the John Doe Motion, the institution of the Fairness Doctrine which would effectively silence all talk radio and certainly cause grief to many editorial writers. We must be informed and we must be aware. America is under attack from several sources and although weakly, my recent post - War to overthrow America - raging now! is one more attempt to point out that the average American and his way of life are on the cusp of being altered irreversibly without great strife. Of course, the eventual subjugation will be outrageous as well. It seems as though our government, the Mexican government, groups such as La Raza, and certainly Saudi Arabia and CAIR are locked in a race for who will gain control first: Mexico or Saudi Arabia. The trick is that they both have tied our freedoms up in such knots that we don't even recognize what is happening, it is all so "reasonable" you know. But Najistani asks a good question, "Can Islam stand the light of day, the light of scrutiny and the light of truth?" Certainly Christians and Jews have seen their religions ridiculed and torn to shreds, yet they still stand without repressive laws. Curious, isn't it? Ever vigilant! Ever free!


Blogger Steve Harkonnen said...

What really gets me is that Bush still believes that Islam is a religion of peace.

Compassionate Conservative - A Liberal that honestly believes he's a Conservative.

9:08 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

i was we all become MINOs 0 Muslims in Name only, get wear neat robes and dresses and don't have to work. Very tired so talking silly!

Glad to be hearing from your again! I feel all is well...

10:40 PM  
Blogger Steve Harkonnen said...

Hope your health is better these days. That was some serious bout you had with the flu. At least the good weather is here, and how close are you to the actual beach anyway? We're coming down that way in August for a concert.

12:44 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Here's a loving message from a member of the "religion of peace" where the Golden Rule abounds. Of course, it is all our fault. What warped mental processes. I chose not to give "free" advertising to this good-hearted fellow.

"a stupid brown whore is what you are and hopefully when some terrorists blow some more shit up you will be there to watch with devastation as the terror unfolds. you have pushed us to this, whatver bin laden did was unislamic but america and whores like u blame the whole of islam. When will more shit be blown up (sighs)

7:54 AM  

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