Wednesday, November 08, 2006

America Alone - Not anymore?

Today, America's voters seem to have voted to take the nation out of the Red Nation camp and toss us into the Blue/Purple Nation camp of Socialism. It will take me some election-day-recovery-time before I can post my projections for the near future but on first glance, I'd say, "Move over, France. Ya cain't hold a candle to us now when it comes to appeasing, capitulating, and just down right friendliness as we move more rapidly into a Third World nation." Just for a bit. Maybe the 118 UN-aligned nations will give Speaker of the House Pelosi an invitation to their next summit meeting. You know, as a gesture of invitation to join the bash-smash America crowd. Do I say the Democrat leadership is unpatriotic? We'll see. You decide. Do I think they are wrong? Yes, I do. Do I think Americans out to "punish" the Republicans have shot themselves in the foot? Yes, I do. But they have a chance in 2008 to vote again. Do I think some good will come from the Democrats' wins? That depends on who you are and that depends on how far into the future you wish to speculate. The President may veto some bills here and there if any reach his desk in the next two years but the comprehensive amnesty bill will be passed and citizenship will be given en masse to the illegals here now: the hard working Mexican folk who don't want to re-conquer; the Mexicans who want to re-conquer; the terrorists in "assimilation" togs who - every one repeat after me - want to kill us. More will flood across the borders and the nation is on course to become Third World, at least for a generation or so until the children of the many new citizens move into the tax payer camp. When that happens, the nation will begin to dig its way out and up again. Ever the optimist. If you are Islamists, you have won big and have, to some extent, added another nation to your war belt. But don't be too confident. Our new citizens from Mexico may not be so ready to give up their hard-won status to Sharia Law. They are predominately Catholic with a bit of Santaria tossed in. Islamists have their swords but the soon to be new American citizens know how to handle machetes. If I were in CAIR, I wouldn't be doing my "happy, little Islamist take over the world" in America dance just yet. Illegals win big; sorry, my soon to be new fellow citizens from Mexico, Indonesia, the Middle East, China, all win big. A superhighway will be built from Mexico through US into Canada. America is going the way of Europe and the Dems will aid in this take-over of the nation by Third World people. Diseases and crime will rise over the next decade or so directly in relation to the Democrats win. However, if I had to bet, I'd bet that many new citizens from Mexico will eventually work to pull us out of that third-world stuff once they get themselves established in a generation or so. If we have that much time. Black people in American lost big. Black people in America will see their second-largest minority status gap widen as the illegal Mexicans, newly processed to American citizens, who will have dual citizenship, increase dramatically and vote in both "economic" regions, EU style. Some Americans think the "soft" invasion/take over will have good results for America as a whole in a generation or so. For Black people though I'd be a little hesitant. The new citizens from Mexico just don't identify with the "civil rights" concept in the same way and they certainly won't exhibit what Shelby Steele calls "white" guilt. Mexicans who assimilate as they become Americans have strong family values, they are not secularists - and while Democrats see them merely as votes - the Mexicans-turned-Americans will not support secularism. They also will not support a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. They will not support "affirmative action" once the "white majority" moves into minority status in a decade or maybe a generation or so. The new citizens will join Union Shops and they will see their wages go up for a while then they will get to experience the same job loss other Americans have felt as jobs continue to be sent "overseas". It is the Democrats who have placed so many restrictions and regulations on business. You can get that minimum wage increase but it won't do you much good when the jobs continue to go to the increasing numbers of new "illegals", the ones after the first amnesty, and businesses continue to take their jobs overseas. I have to hope President Bush is right in wanting to "document" everyone who is here and that action helping us control our borders but I suspect many don't want or need to be "documented" - they're doing just fine thank you very much. In this election when the electorate "threw the bumbs out", that electorate said to me, we want citizenship for all people here illegally; we want to weaken the social services infrastructure so that we move to socialized medicine more rapidly. At certain age groups health care will become minimal as folks are deemed not needed anymore. Call it socialized euthanasia (sp). The electorate said they want taxes increased on the wealthy - the line breaks at 50,000 dollars a year income for a family of four - get your checkbooks ready. President Bush has lost his chance to place any more constitutional scholars on the Supreme Court. But the seats are so close in the House that perhaps the Republicans can hold the Democrats down a bit. I still don't know the Senate results. If the Dems pick up the Senate, expect to see the Republicans play the filibuster 60 super majority game the Dems have used for six years. All of it would be "fun to watch" if it were not that these people play with our lives. Republicans win in that maybe now more of them will fight for conservative values. The stage may now be set for a huge Republican win in 2008. And then, the stage may also have been set for "silent" revolutions within the nation. I still don't know if the Democrats took over the Senate. So, more possible results to follow when I recuperate from the election-day volunteering. Godspeed and stay safe. Life goes on and America will go on. Personally, I believe that America is largely a conservative nation and now the stakes have been raised for the next election. Cities such as Hazelton, PA trying to protect its citizens from the crime and such that accompanies the illegal aliens will simply have to fight harder. Or will they? My projection over-all is that cities and towns are now totally on their own. But then, the cities will have nothing to battle when the amnesty bill is passed. Mexicans who become Americans trend over time to become conservative; they tend to have large families. As they see their "services" being given to others, they will tend toward conservative candidates. The far Left won't stand a chance against them. Not tomorrow, but in a generation or so. Did women overall take several steps backward as a result of the 2006 Elections? If so, they have only themselves to thank. The biggest winners yesterday are the conservative talk radio hosts who will be lively for the next two years. I'll be back to revise this as the day or days roll on and the election results can be viewed from a distance after the impact of the initial election-day has worn off. But for amnesty for the current illegals - all of them, that is now a fait a compli.


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