Sunday, November 05, 2006

Obsession: A Fox News Special

Upon occasion, you turn on the TV and see something you had no idea was going to be televised. Before I continue, let me share the most compelling quotation that I heard said in New York City as Islamists rallied and walked on the American flag before tearing it up. "The weakness of America is that they have freedom of speech." You see our greatest strength they are using against us and see it as our greatest weakness. Today, Fox News aired a special report with exerpts from Obsession: The Threat of Radical Islam. A month or so ago, I was reading different blogs and several from Europe were discussing the documentary. I don't know if the documentary is being shown in the United States. Certainly, it will not get the Hollywood hype of the likes of the Michael Moores. The hate America first crowd doesn't go into giving the American public half of a fair shake in terms of information they need to know. But today totally by accident I found the hour-long program aired by Fox. The director of the documentary was there and the weg site is obsessionthemovie. He commented that he had free editorial choice with what footage he used. He said the problem was not a lack of hate-filled footage but that there was hours of it. It is the daily fare in the Middle East. Brigitte Gabriel was on as well saying what many of us do know that the Islamists in America are using our laws against us. Also that Hamas is the largest terrorist organization in the United States today. We read of Bali, London, Madrid, Thailand, America but when one looks at map of the world and highlights the locations that have been bombed over the past 20 years or so, one cannot deny that Islamists have declared war on the West. Interesting that when we defend ourselves, our defense is turned upon us and we are portrayed as the aggressors. Remember the radical Left in America in the sixties? They pronounced America as Amerika. Guess how the Islamists calling for the election of Liberal Democrat appeasers pronounce America as they shout "Death to America" with their fists raised in the air like the Nazis. It is "Death to Amerika." Everyone makes the obligatory comment that of course all Muslims don't want to bring down the West; however, that begs the question of "Well, how many do want to kill us?" Estimates from the documentary are staggering. By estimates, only 10 to 15% of the 1.3 billion Muslims world-wide want to blow us up. That is about 130 to 150 million people - half of the population of the United States. A former PLO terrorist said that the number of Muslims world-wide who want actively to destroy America and the West is more like 20-30% or roughly 300 million, the current population of the United States. Of course what the domentary clips shown on Fox News didn't show was that the percentage of Muslims world-wide who would go along with the subjugation of the West is far greater. In the words of terrorists/Islamist leaders, Jew and Christians are "cows". If you see one on the street, you can "capture" him and sell him into slavery. If you cannot be bothered, you can kill him on the spot - slice their throat. The goal of the Islamist is to dominate the world for Allah. The Islamists support Democrats for ellection on November 7th. There is a reason they want us out of the Middle East and that reason is power. They fear freedom. If you vote for freedom and against socialism on November 7th, they will fear you. God bless you and our men and women fighting on and off the battlefield to protect us.


Blogger Beach Girl said...

It is a good start, Steve, a very good start. It gives those of us blogging about the threat a point of reference.

5:25 PM  

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