Sunday, April 12, 2009

Navy Sharpshooters free Capt. Phillips! Whoopee!

What a great Easter Sunday for the United States and for Captain Richard Phillips and his family! Navy frees Captive US Cargo Ship Captain Phillips as Navy sharpshooters acting on orders from the commander on the scene gives the command to save the life of Captain Phillips. From Vice Admiral Bill Gourtney, "The on-scene commander had seconds to make a decision." It seems the Muslim pirates were brandishing AK-47's at Captain Phillips, threatening his life. Most certainly, the Navy Vice Admiral had been given authority from President Obama to take action as deemed appropriate to the commander on the scene. Good for President Obama and especially for the advisors who advised him to allow our Navy to protect Captain Phillips. Now, for Americans and for all NATO nations as well as others threatened by these Muslim pirates such as India, let's start actively defending our merchant shipping lines and being serious about it. Muslim pirates have had relatively open access to harassing ships of all sizes across the oceans of the world. Let's take them on. According to the law of the sea, pirates, unlike "enemy combatants' are fair targets even if they are not in the act of attacking a ship and taking cargo or hostages. This is a fight Americans can get behind. So let's do it. A warm "thank you" to the Navy sharpshooters and to the commander on-the-scene who made the call...


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