Monday, June 25, 2007

In Germany: Jews and Neo-Nazis join hands to face Islam's threat together

From Jay Tuch at The American Israeli Patriot blog, today we have Germany protests against mosque. This post serves to demonstrate that people in Western nations are beginning to wake up to the threat and to realize that Islam is not just your average non-threatening religion. Practiced in some of its forms, mostly funded by Saudi Arabia, it is violent and makes no excuses for its designs of subjugating the world, especially what we know of as the West. And just where is that money coming from to build those elaborate mosques? Hmmm... Two other posts from Songdongnigh at LOCKEDANDLOAD serve to illustrate the naked truth of Islamic or Sharia Law and speak volumns about why these virulent forms have no place among civilized men: Taliban uses six year old as suicide bomber and Animals torture children. As with the meteoric frenzy of the "left-wing-socialism-media", erroneously called the mainstream media, over a few technics used by a few of our soldiers at the now-infamous Abu Garib (Abu Ghraib) prison in Iraq, these three posts will no doubt be covered 24/7 right up there with the latest poor white female to be murdered by a pathological impregnator. Certainly the heinous information posted at Locked and Load will be covered extensively? Yes? No? Well, folks, the reason the West cannot succumb to the Islamists is because we do not want the institution of Sharia Law, the archaic laws of a pseudo-religious cult, a political ideology as damning as any notorious, "killing field" ism the world has ever know, inflicted upon us. Like the folks in Denmark, we have to wake up and each one of us who wakes up must join the fight to save Western Civilization - one town, one village at a time. Virulent Islam is within the very walls of the Gates, gnawing like termites 24/7, hollowing out our will and working to crumble Western Civilization one brick at a time. To learn more see Vigilant Freedom. Another place to learn more of the struggles between Muslims who want to live as free citizens within democratic republics and who stand against the jihadists, see Free the Film which seeks to air "Islam vs. Islamists: Voices from the Muslim Center". Banned by PBS, "Mulims against Jihad" was aired on Fox News last night. To sign the petition to "free" these films - paid for at public expense through PBS, go here.


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