Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Does publicly-funded PBS favor militant Islamists?

Does publicly-funded PBS have an anti-moderate Muslim agenda or through their actions of censorship, does PBS demonstrate their favoritism toward the militant Islamists who, oh by the way, want to kill us and institute Islamic Law throughout the WORLD? Have you heard from many moderate Muslims in America lately? Have you heard of Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser's American Islamic Forum for Democracy? Where are all the moderate voices of Americans who follow "moderate" Islam? Read PBS shelves film on moderate Muslims, reported by Jennifer Harper in the Washington Times today, April 11, 2007, then decide for yourself what agenda PBS has. Harper's article was front-page below the fold. Pretty important news, I'd say. From the article by Jennifer Harper:
A 52-minute documentary film exploring the struggles of moderate American Muslims at the hands of their radical brethren has also become a showcase for the struggles between right and left in the news media. The producers of "Islam vs. Islamists" say their taxpayer-funded film has been shelved by the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) and the Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) in "an ideological vendetta," and because the production team includes conservative columnist Frank Gaffney, Jr., founder of the Center for Security Policy. "This is a well-documented, textbook case of the abuse of taxpayer funding by elements in the public broadcasting system to advocate their agenda and ensure that people who have different agenda don't get on the air," Mr. Gaffney said yesterday. "The public ought to be allowed to see a film which PBS doesn't want them to see."
Well, said, and certainly after we paid for the film to be made; not to mention that we pay the salaries of those who don't want us to see the film. I will not continue typing the article for you here except to include comments from Dr. Jasser:
"I am incredulous that PBS would invest so much of our tax money into contracting professionals for a documentary on a subject - the struggle for the soul of Islam - which is one of the most vital debates of the 21st century and then censor its release," said Dr. M. Zuhdi Jasser, chairman of the Arizona-based American Islamic Forum for Democracy who is featured in the documentary. "Until mainstream media and mainstream America understands the need to help this debate and expose the plight of moderates who push back against the Islamists within the Muslim community, we will continure to lose ground against militant Islamism," Dr. Jasser said. "The censorship of this documentary tells us a great deal about the level to which our government is facilitating the ideology of Islamism which runs directly counter to our foundations of Americanism."
We Americans need and deserve to see and hear the voices of moderate Muslims who are Americans first. Are we to be left with only the image of masked men hacking off heads with bloody swords? You think that image frightens us? Think again! It ticks us off; it makes us angry and the militant Muslims don't want us too angry. Non-muslim Americans have been begging to hear from "moderate" Muslims. Can it be true that publicly-funded PBS - the Public Broadcasting Service - and other news outlets benefit from shutting these moderate American voices down? You may want to go to Stop the Project and check out the links for American Islamic Congress, Center for Islamic Pluralism, and others. Following the moderate Muslim websites, other sites working toward common cause and raising of awareness of militant Islamists are listed such as Brigitte Gabriel's American Congress for Truth. Check out these websites and let me know what you think? And if you have a minute, ask PBS what gives with censoring or refusing to air documentaries we paid for? Especially ones that are so crucial to the debate that needs to and must take place.


Blogger MathewK said...

This is the problem with public funded anything, here in Australia and in the UK the publicly funded media are a law unto themselves, they don't care about the public or their wishes. If something is funded by the public, you can be pretty sure they usually are not on the side of the public.

"We Americans need and deserve to see and hear the voices of moderate Muslims who are Americans first."

and we are constantly told that not all muslims are terrorists and there are many moderates, but we aren't allowed to see them when they put their heads up.

10:57 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Good evening, MK. Interesting, yes! Guess there is no money in it for the news media to let us hear moderate Muslims if there are any. The left news media makes me sick - hence, I blog.

Sorry I have not visited lately - still recovering and doing all I can do right now to post a bit.

Will come visit down under and across the pond SOON. Isn't it great that we can converse in a bat of an eye lash?

12:00 AM  

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