Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Sharia Law in Tennessee: This little piggy went to market; this little piggy went to mosque

Well, here we have it - the ultimate "hate crime" against Islam Bacon - the new hate crime. Creeping Jahosa-fats! Bacon is now a "hate crime" in Tennessee? Is Tennessee falling under the Crescent and Star of Sharia Law? Will you no longer be able to order bacon, eggs, and toast at the local Cracker Barrel so as not to offend a Muslim cook or patron who may - gasp - see or smell the bacon? And you never know where those slices of bacon may end up. Bumber sticker slogan: No more bacon, protect the Qur'an! Good grief! If Allah is so weak, fragile, and "small minded" to need such protection from a self-styled group protecting all things Islam then a mighty god Allah is not. I tend to believe Allah is no such weakling but is clearly depicted as such by some of his "followers". And the history of Mohammed, piece be upon him, with young pre-adolescent girls, namely a wife of 9, is well-documented. Hey, don't blame us for Mohammed's documented behavior. Criminals hollow out Bibles they get in prison for hiding shives, etc. Anyone call "Bible hollowing" a "hate crime". Nope! Come on CAIR - really. If one buys their own copy of the Qur'an, as I have, what I do with it is my business. Maybe a fine for littering, and for wasting my money and wasting perfectly good bacon by not eating the bacon, but a "hate crime"? Give me a break! Is the phrase "cry baby whiners" becoming synonynous with CAIR and Islamists? Gentle reader, you be the judge. This is The United States of America and we - except perhaps Tennessee - have several Amendments you may have heard of - freedom of speech and expression being one. Let's be fair. If a picture of the Virgin Mary can be smeared with dung and called art, really what does a little bacon as a bookmark in someone's copy of a Qur'an harm? If a cross with the image of Jesus can be placed upside down in a jar of urine and called art, why can't smearing bacon fat and using strips of bacon as bookmarks in a person's own copy of the Qur'an be called sloppy and "freedom to do what you want with your own property"? There are no laws in The United States of America for being sloppy with your own property. The copy of the Qur'an in question didn't belong to anyone else, did it? No one defaced the mosque? Right? I have copies of the Holy Bible and, believe it or not, I can shred them, and they are my books. Period. Of course, from my beliefs I'll be in danger of the fires of hell but someone else doing the same thing to his own copies of the Bible won't. But a hate crime? Is CAIR just looking for things to whine about? If so, look to the treatment of women in the Middle East! Look to the discrimination of Muslim taxi drivers in MN who refuse to give rides to blind folks with seeing-eye dogs. Now, that's a case in need of advocacy for the blind folks. How's CAIR doing with helping the blind folks with that one? Aren't some Muslims blind and needing taxi rides? Don't any blind Muslims have seeing-eye dogs? I thought CAIR was to help American non-Muslims and Muslims get along. Why isn't CAIR helping the Muslim taxi drivers appreciate that their ulgy discrimination against blind people is not helping to smooth relations between the infidel world that is the United States and migrant Muslims who are very new to our fair land of freedoms of speech, the press, religion, and assembly? Or is CAIR really only interested in installing Sharia Law in The United States of America so that young women like Nazanin in Iran can be "executed" in these United States for killing one man among three thugs trying to rape her and deny her her treasured honor? But the real question on the bacon-bookmarked Qur'an is, how can one be so certain a pesky infidel defaced his own copy of the Qur'an? I would image America's population of young illegal alien Muslim young men who want to blow something up is increasing. What makes anyone think one of these lads could not have done the deed just to throw suspicion on we humble infidels? This tactic has been used before. Can't throw bombs, deface the Qur'an and blame it on someone else. No new news here! Note to CAIR: this is the United States of America - been there, had that done before. Get another playbook! Your's is tired and worn out. It has all been done before by one group or another - you are just the "Johnny Come Latelies". And why are your bringing such attention to this littering unless your intent is to put ideas into the minds of others to make up little crimes of their own. Everyone knows one does not give attention to matters such as this unless one hopes to have others take the bait and commit other acts of "sloppiness". As an aside, how come Somalians in MN seem to have a lock on taxi driving licenses anyway? Oh, well, for me, make that bacon crispy, please. Don't worry; I won't be wasting my bacon in my copy of the Qur'an.


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