Thursday, April 19, 2007

Abortion Drs. working to reduce Global Warming

Okay, I'm still angry about the shootings at Virginia Tech - instead of a "gun free zone", Tech better become a "carry guaranteed" zone. Wake up! Use some sense; concealed weapons carried by law-abiding citizens with permits stop crime nearly every time it's tried. We can only be damn glad that Cho killed himself or we'd have to put up with the years of psycho-babble blaming us for "making him do it." Good gawd a'mighty! As the Straw Man/Scare Crow said in the Wizard of Oz, "if I only had a brain." It is difficult to stay focused today so please bear with me. I am fed up to my eyeballs by the folks who support the culture of death, the Liberal Democrats. They are shrieking about the horrible massacre in Virginia Tech on one hand with their mantra of "Let's grab the guns! Let's grab the guns!" and beating their breasts behind their armed bodyguards while at the same time bemoaning that the ban on partial-birth abortion - the most heinous method of infanticide known to man with the possible exception of a tribe in Africa that I read about years ago that takes the first born and smashes its head against the river rocks as a tribute to the gods or whatever - has been upheld by the Supreme Court. 36,500 Americans killed by illegal aliens since start of Iraq War: Heard about that lately? Hmmm.... Daily we hear of the news that another American soldier has been killed in Iraq. I honor and mourn for any American military or intelligence personnel lost on foreign soil; yet I want to know why we do not hear that approximately 36,500 Americans have been murdered by illegal aliens in the course of crimes or killed by illegal aliens driving drunk to the tune of 25 Americans killed each and every day by persons allowed to live here by a government intent on destroying our nation one way or another - either through sheer numbers of invaders who overwhelm our cities and swamp our resources or through NAFTA and the SPP super highway. Why doesn't the Main Stream Media have a "breaking news telathon" like the United Way Campaigns shouting - "Only 22 Americans killed by illegals today; wait, another number just came in, Todd, raise the total to 23. Come on, you illegal alien criminals, you have two more to go to reach your goal for today! Do your part to reduce Global Warming - kill another American citizen today!" Now to the abortionists. Say what you will but you cannot say that abortionists aren't working to reduce the number of "carbon footprints" here in the United States of America. Since the start of the Iraq War, approximately 5,283,834 American pre-borns have been murdered through abortion/infanticide. That means killed, put to death. Since 1973, the estimate is in the 45 - 50 million death toll range. What bells toll for these tiny Souls? While we can haggle and froth about the "constitutional right to kill your unborn child" - which a civilized society may call "partial infanticide", abortion will remain in the United States of America until the Islamists have their way and institute Sharia Law. At that time, Babs Boxer will have much more to worry about than killing our pre-born. Some of those whose deaths she so loudly has called for on the floor of the Senate Chamber may have actually saved her "bacon" had they been allowed to live. I am glad that the Supreme Court - while expanding "eminent domain" so broadly as to make the right to private property close to meaningless - held that the ban on Partial-birth Abortions could stand. The act is so heinous and violent that the pro-death crowd fought to keep doctors from having to tell the not-soon-to-be mom that the "medical procedure" would actually kill a human being (unborn to be sure but they were not killing an oak tree in utero). Just the thought that a doctor would have to tell the "mom" that the abortion would be killing a human life really shouts like a megaphone - YOU are STUPID! But alas, that is the state of education today in these United States. Roe v. Wade should be overturned. It is bad law and certainly not found in the US Constitution anywhere. Hey, if I don't have a right to privacy, you don't get a made-up constitutional right to commit murder. Just 'cause the little guy or gal didn't get to enter the world kicking and screaming in that first act of defiance doesn't mean you had the right to suck out that life and call it "legal." Now, to the end to Partial-birth Abortion - Thank God, Jesus, and all the Angels! Abortions will still go on but the federal government has over-stepped here. Abortion laws belong in the hands of the several states. The federal government should be doing its constitutionally mandated job of "protecting us from invasion" and supporting towns such as Hazleton, PA in trying to ensure the "domestic tranquility" of the citizens - not the illegals - of these United States. The federal government should keep its hands off States Rights. [I know, I know, such a silly Beach Girl.] Damn, with the invasion, you'd think they would have their hands full!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great post.

6:43 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Thanks, Perri. Tough to stay focused right now with so much going on. A dear friend passed away on Tuesday morning at 4:30AM East Coast time in the US.

He was a veteran of the Korean War and of the Vietnam War. Tonight I just went to the funeral home for the visitation. Tomorrow we will have a funeral at our church and then burial following.

I see things in a quirky way sometimes, as I say Terri Shiavo passing in time to have the tea and scones ready for Pope John Paul, thus I see my friend, George - leaving his wife of 53 years to give comfort to the students and faculty killed at Virginia Tech. In these times, I pray that I will be given the gift of life to complete a few more goals and that I will be given the wisdom to recognize the gift of life I am given each and every day.

Thank you for keeping up with me.

7:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Beach Girl and all Conservatives.

I get posted on the European Citizens website.

I'm currently getting hammered, as are Conservatives over a short Obama post I made.

If you would like to defend Conservativism please visit and comment at:

Thanks for my indulgence.

11:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's a sick world that we live in.

That's about all I can say at the moment.

I am totally disgusted with this week's news.

4:02 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Me too but I have one more post to write about Virginia Tech.

5:08 PM  

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