Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Beach Burst - 4/17/07 - PBS Banning Islam vs Islamists and other steps on our slow slide into tyranny and lawlessness

Many of us are beside ourselves today with anger at the carnage of the defenseless students and faculty at Virginia Tech. So, I have decided to link you with several articles, editorials, and posts of note. One I shall copy in its entirety because it is the kind of information that can easily be taken off the net if it calls too much attention to the truth. But first, from down-under, from the voice of Sonnabend at Voice of the Pacific, let me share two excellent posts showing once again that Australians can sometimes out-American we Americans when they set their minds to it: Guns don't kill people, Criminals do and to the administrators of Virginia Tech, Virginia Tech. As a follow-up to PBS shelves film on moderate Muslims, reported by Jennifer Harper in the Washington Times, April 11, 2007, Martyn Burke who produced and directed the documentary, provides in his letter to the editor, Clarifying the record on PBS Series, a detailed record of events surrounding the documentary and the leftist-agenda (my characterization) of PBS that has led to the "non-airing" of a tax-payer funded documentary on Islam vs. Islamists. Why is it that "they" don't want us to hear from the so-called moderate voices of Islam? In the same letters to the editor, you will find The Bush cabal and Illegals. This one I include here in the complete text:
The Bush cabal and illegals (emphasis added) House lawmakers realize that Americans want no immigration surges, yet however strongly we voice opposition to forced population increases, the Bush cabal persists in attempting to ram in more illegal aliens ("Bush plan panned as rewarding illegal aliens," Nation, Thursday). Just as pre-emptively occupying a foreign country results in its bondage, pushing such foreign occupation on America would result in our oppression. Americans overwhelmingly know it would deprive us of our self-determination and future. Then there's crime. President Bush admits that one in 12 illegals has a criminal record; the Government Accountability Office states that non-nationals make up 27 percent of the federal prison population; Rep. Steve King, Iowa Republican, reports that illegals murder 12 Americans and kill 13 more in drunken driving daily; and the Violent Crimes Institute finds that illegals commit 1 million sex crimes annually. That's just the beginning. In truth, the fiction of cheap foreign labor decimates America's resources and impoverishes citizens. Robert Rector of the Heritage Foundation has determined that low-skill households get $3 from citizen-worker-funded welfare benefits for every dollar they pay in taxes. We are being inundated with millions of uneducated foreign nationals who neither comprehend our language, share our culture nor subscribe to our laws. M.L. PINKARD Lafayette, Calif.
And I might add, the mass of illegals have no intention of learning our language, or assimilating into our culture because they know that by their sheer numbers they will eventually break us to their will. If they cannot break us, then the SPP superhighway will. Additionally on the immigration front, let me mention Immigration reformists tip support to a Norwood ally by Jerry Seper. Seper must be the resident expert on illegal and legal immigration at the Washington Times. His work is excellent and cutting-edge. On the counter-jihad front, good things are happening as you will find out if you stop by the Gates of Vienna and read UK and Scandinavia Counterjihad Summit. Also, for a delineation of what our government representatives have in store for us along with all the "hate speech" laws designed to shut you, me, and everyone else up, please see Dymphna's Department of Peace, Love and Understanding. Ever vigilant! Ever free!


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