Monday, October 30, 2006

New Jersey Oligarcy

A few more words on the judicial dictators of New Jersey. For the moment, let's say that homosexual "marriage" will become law in New Jersey. But does that happen through judicial fiat or through the principles of a representative democracy? How you answer that makes all the difference in whom you will let govern your every move from transfats to cigarette smoking. In The Washington Times today, a small article has been included in the Inside Politics section, page A5. The title is "Jersey's lawgivers". Here are a few quotations from the article - some of which is from an editorial in the Wall Street Journal. "The court's belief that it is empowered to embark on social experimentation in the field of marriage is embodied in the words, We have decided that our State Constitution guarantees that every statutory right and benefit conferred to heterosexual couple through civil marriage must be made available to committed same-sex couples..." The judges generously left the naming of such "unions" for legal purposes to the "democratic process". It is said that statistically 49% of citizens in New Jersey support homosexual marriages, around 42% do not. I say, let the elected folks in the legislature decide. They are accountable to the citizenry. The judges are not and by their behavior have essentially flipped-off the legislature and all of the citizens. Our nation should not be governed by judicial fiat. No matter which side of the issue you are on in this case as in many others, everyone in New Jersey lost when the judges sent forth their edict. Everyone lost because the victory is hollow. Yes, homosexuals can now "marry" in New Jersey. The only question is when the date will be finalized and what it will be called. Someone who knows please explain to me what the homosexuals have gained that does not exist now in the law. I would caution against too much glee, however, for what the court giveth, the imperial court can taketh away. Has and will. Expectant mothers can kill their unborn babies on demand. Courts ruled in favor of "bussing" to integrate schools in the 1960s. Today we learn that Mexican groups are setting up segregated schools with federal dollars in the West. Schools can now, according to the Department of Education, segregate their students by gender to assist the learning process. What many of us who have been teachers knew were bad judicial enforcements are now being somewhat undone. One more state succumbs to judicial tyrants. Who will be the next to fall?


Blogger lilfeathers2000 said...

From the bits a pieces I have read on him. I would guess he is a two faced pig. The poster child of his party.
Its click and Comment Monday. Have a God blessed week!!!!!

9:52 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Thank you, Lilfeathers - will be clicking and visiting myself soon. Must post for now. So many issues; so little time.

God bless - don't let the wee goblins get ya!

11:49 AM  

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