Sunday, April 22, 2007

Fred Thompson for President 2008!

Well, why not Fred? He's America's DA. Mr. Thompson, here are a few words I drafted for a hopeful "black" candidate. I direct them to you in hopes that you could adapt them and the sentiment, or something like them into your campaign. Full text at Barack Hussein Obama - passing for black?. I am fed up and sick to death of the "race" card being used every which way as though it is a merit badge, when one's ethnicity is an accident of birth and who was fooling around with whom. No star power in that! We are all Americans on this good ship the USS United States of America and as our Founding Fathers said so well, sort of anyway, "We'll survive as one; or we'll hang separately!"
"I have had experiences few white people in America could have, and even fewer black people in America would even dream of having raised as they are in our failing schools and not even allowed a way out that vouchers would give them - but there is nothing African about me. I am not African; I was born in Hawaii. I'm not a hyphen; I'm an American. I promise that I will work to make the "American Dream" available to all American citizens - regardless of the color of their skin. Based on hard work, good moral character, and the most principled values - all Americans can attain the American Dream. Not on the backs of America's tax payers, but on the hard work of industrious minds. Not through affirmative action - which is institutionalized racism by any definition (the racism we all claim to abhor) - but through qualifications and skills. That is the promise of the American Dream to all of us. Let's raise from the grave the words of the late Dr. Martin Luther King - "I have a dream that some day in America, my children will be known for the content of their character, not by the color of their skin." Let's make these words our American promise to all of our children. Together, black, white, yellow, red - let's move America forward to reach Dr. King's admirable goal! As American's we can achieve anything. As hyphens, we denigrate our selves and we condemn our great nation to perpetual division. Every hyphen moves us farther from King's goal. Together we CAN do better. Together we can make the dreams of every American child possible. We won't attain that dream on the backs or shoulders or tax dollars of anyone else. We won't attain that dream on the second-class status that affirmative action bestows upon us. We will attain that goal with our own hands, with true hearts, and applied minds. We are all Americans; let's act like it."
I think the words and sentiment have merit. Please take a look and see what you can do to "unite" Americans.


Blogger DJK said...

You may find this interesting.
Draft Fred Thompson Rally
April 28, 3:30 central
Dogwood Park Pavilion
Cookeville, TN
-How 'bout a road trip?

4:52 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Lord love ya! Sounds like a plan. I can't make it that far for next weekend but I hope the crowd is booming.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Lord Nazh said...

Wish I had seen that meeting earlier ><

Nice blog beach gal :)

10:49 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Thank you, Lord Nazh - like your blog too. One day I'll get around to increasing my blog roll. Not lazy - just have been so sick for 3 months I can't find anything in my house and now trying to re-introduce myself to my friends in the ethers.

11:51 AM  

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