Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Onward Islamic terrorists waging world-wide holy war

When I think of the Democrats and the conservatives, I am reminded of Henny Penny and the "sky is falling", the "sky is falling" as little Henny Penny asks for help, asks her "village" to prepare for the unavoidable threat to their survival. But there will be no hope for Henny Penny from the "I'm in denial and 9/11 never happened, you smuck" Democrats sounding and acting much like Rodney King, "Can't we all just get along?". Well, duh, Rodney, not when the other guy says he wants to kill you and take over you nation by corrupting you laws and whacking off your head with a rusty sword. Today, I'd just like to direct you to two very good posts. One, on the funding of CAIR, was suggested to me after I asked for information. The information is staggering. At Holy Chalice, Phil writes Dear Reader, here are some more facts. This is an excellent blog, I might add. The second reference concerns a subject I wrote on some time ago: the growth of Wahhabi schools in America. [We know they are rampant world-wide.] In the Ironic Surrealsim/Velvet Hammer, please find America's Wahhabi Invasion - Forewarned is Forearmed. The latter is right but we are facing a tough fight to protect our nation because our government is steadfastly encouraging thousands of student visas for Muslims, some of whom may be Islamists-in-waiting. Not good for any of us non-terrorists. Maybe the Mexican invaders and the Islamic crusaders can duke it out together. Nah! That won't happen. News from my left-coast roving source. A picture will be on the way of the new Mosque in Laramie, Wyoming! All the invaders and crusaders are doing a great job of dispersing themselves across the nation. While the government sends troops out of America, we are left defenseless. Our Border Patrol folks have surely gotten the message that they are not to stop illegals. Our National Guard has orders (I think) to run from military or para-military units entering our nation from Mexico. And if it is true that our National Guard are not even armed, that is unconscionable. And the drug cartels - For getta bout it! America is the land of milk and honey for them as one of the world's highest illegal drug user nations. Are Americas leaders strong enough to defend our nation or are they more interested in destroying its sovereignty? The Islamic Imperialists march on setting up schools and training camps across the nation, and recruiting from our prisions; the Mexican invasion continues; and the American tax payer, whose money is being used against his own best interest, is being raped, robbed, mutilated, spindled, and soon will see his home, ranch, market, etc, etc, etc be condemned by eminent domain for that super NAFTA highway. It seems that the term "free trade" is the new code for "new world order." All ruled by the corrupt UN? Not if the Islamic Imperialists have their way. Seems to me we are letting and encouraging, through our refusal to implement existing immigration policies and our refusal to shut our borders, the advance of Islamic Imperialism right here in the USA. How in the world can we give Constitutional safeguards to the Islamists who swear with every breath in their bodies that their goal is to kill us or dominate us? Maybe FDR could have been compassionate and understanding when he had the military deal with the 12 or so German spies who had infiltrated the US. At least he didn't let them set up training camps and recruit members from prisons under the guise that Nazism was a religion. I'm sure to some Nazis, it was a "religion" but PLEASE! When did we lose our minds? With the advent of the UN and all the little busy-body off-shoots who want to micro-manage everyone in the world. Well, good luck with China on that one.


Blogger MathewK said...

Hi BG, I just spent some time in America in the last month or so, Dallas, New York State and a bit of Florida. We had a really good time there. I see exactly what you guys mean about the illegals from Mexico.

This is going to be such a problem for America in the coming years until you guys bite the bullet. I know the leftists will never accept this but conservative policies are actually what’s better for Mexican immigrants, because just letting them in as cheap labor is only a short-term solution. Allowing them in via the backdoor just ensures they remain 2nd class citizens with no hope of improvement to their lives. Whereas if they were let it via legal means like everyone else, they can start small and work their way up and there is an actual future for their children to live the American dream.

Keep up the good fight BG.

6:49 PM  
Blogger Yankee Doodle said...

Good post, Beach Girl!

At the behest of the United States, the Mexican Army is along the border, ostensibly to interdict the narcotics and illegal aliens. The US is paying millions of dollars in foreign aid to help finance that.

Meanwhile, the Mexican Army, like much of the Mexican government, is corrupt, and so is taking money from the drug runners, not just to let them pass, but to escort them into the US. Consequently, US law enforcement is outgunned by Mexican Army units on US soil escorting drug-runners -- all paid for by U the Taxpayer.

Never let it be said that Washington doesn't put your tax dollars to work!

Senor Bush Tells You To Get Used To It

9:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Maybe the Mexican invaders and the Islamic crusaders can duke it out together."

I just read an article, I can't remember where, on CAIR setting up aid stations in New Mexico, I believe. They were handing out food and providing shelter to illegal Mexican trespassers, and attempting to convert them to Islam.

9:15 PM  
Blogger Wild Phil said...

Hi Conservative Beach Girl,

I have added your site to my blogroll. Sorry for it taking as long as it did, I am newbie at blogging and I get around to these things as soon as I can, I have been down for awhile with a stubborn migraine headache that didn't seem to want to get better. You can check out my site and see that your site is listed and I have a new article posted.


Please don't post this message though this is just to you.

3:23 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Phil, I left your comment because other friends will want to see your blog too. We all started sometime. I'm relative new too and love link-whoring. Just been too sick to do it lately.

You can link articles here if you like.

11:24 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

MK - thank you for the comment. Glad you visited the land of Norte Americana - it is really worse than one sees in passing because both the illegals (all of them) and the muslims have spread out across the nation.

I'm not sure what you mean by "bite the bullet" but our government is only making law-abiding American citizens bite the bullet by way of taxes, data-mining. The government knows the enemy and they have colored the enemy "us". Sad times. Hope you liked your visit though.

I agree that the conservative, legal methods of immigration are far better for the immigrants but that is not the govs' goal - their goal is chaos, rebellion and more illegals to give the gov even more excuses to clamp down on law-abiding citizens.

11:29 AM  

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