Thursday, June 28, 2007

S.1639 - Senate Freshmen say "NAY" to high handed tactics

While we're burning up the phone lines and clicking away at our keyboards, let's remember to say "Thanks" to brave Senate Freshmen who said in effect to Harry Reid and his chichanery, "We'll see your "f**k you" and raise you one!" Freshmen Senators have come to Washington to represent their constituents and to serve the nation. The battle is not over as we are being attacked on all fronts but reasonable immigration reform is possible: reform that addresses the issues in separate legislation with reasoned objectives and measurable, attainable policies including enhanced capabilities for Senate oversight. In my post, S.1639 - Beach Girl's Open Letter to US Senate, I offer a framework of what I think are the basic measures Americans want to see in any legislation that is passed on immigration. These Senate Freshmen need a "thank you" - they earned it: Senator John Barrasso (Nay) Senator Bob Corker (Nay) Senator Claire McCaskill (Nay) Senator Bernie Sanders (Nay) Senator Jon Tester (Nay) Senator Jim Webb (Nay) Click here to see how all Senators voted on S.1639 and click here to learn when each Senator is up for re-election. Class I in 2012; Class II in 2008; and Class III in 2010. Senators up for re-election in November 2008 who voted YES to end debate on a bill cobbled together in the dark of night without any committee participation and to invest 12-20 million on the road to citizenship don't deserve our votes, not for their vote on S.1639. The "grand bargainers" among them deserve neither our votes nor our respect. Senators up for re-election in 2008 who voted YES. "Grand bargainers" ** November 2008 is right around the corner. Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) Senator Larry Craig (R-ID) Senator Dick Durbin (D-Il)**master of the universe Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC)**master of the universe Senator Chuck Hagel (R-NE) Senator John Kerry (D-MA) Senator Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) Senator Carl Levin (D-MI) Senator Jack Reed (D-RI) Now, we who opposed this bill are going to be blamed for everything including the Bush adminsitration's continuing refusal to enforce laws already on the books. We'll be called racists, nativists, bigots, and more. Sticks and stones will break our bones but words will never hurt us - Islamist terrorists in this nation can and will. We didn't need to give them citizenship too. But we can never give-up and never weaken. Senators who listen to their constitutents need our support! States with Senators united to protect their citizens: Alabama; Alaska; Georgia; Iowa; Kansas; Kentucky - even though McConnell was AWOL, leaving Republican Senators to fight alone; Louisiana; Missiouri: Montana; New Mexico; North Carolina; Ohio; Oklahoma; Tennessee; Texas; Virginia; West Virginia; and Wyoming.

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