Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Is Freedom just too hard? Part I

Freedom isn't free but is Freedom just too hard for the average person to maintain? Is allowing yourself to be enslaved just a way out? Say, call it giving up freedom for security and ending up with "slavery". Is freedom just to hard to maintain? Are people really herd animals or tribal creatures just looking for someone else to give them directions as well as a handout? Is "slavery" - all responsibilities and all accountability over your own life and the decisions in your life - by any definition just the easier route? Is educating our youth on the truth of history just too un-PC? Is moral equivilancy just another "dorm room" late all-nighter philosophy foisted upon the real world that takes no thought or discernment? Just, ah, sure, all forms of government are equal; all ideas are equal; all lifestyles are equal; all cultures are equal. Hell, who needs a brain? No body! That's who and we prove it through our failing schools, our failing Liberal institutions! Let's go for the quick fix as my commenter said below. Hey, let's all just shoot up with some drug, eat a happy mushroom, or swallow a mind-numbing pill so we won't have to think, reason, feel, or see the truth - if we can even find it with the news media we have today. From MK downunder: comments here I actually wanted that socialist to win BG. I posted about this a month or so ago, but I feel that the future of the western world lies in the public failure of some European nations. I’d rather we learn from others who get burnt than ourselves get burnt and then have to pick up. You mentioned in your post that if the French take the conservative route then perhaps the rest of us will also follow, I wish this were so, but I fear it will not have that impact, take Germany for instance, they have a conservative leader at present, however since then the leftists in America, UK or Australia have not changed their ways. In the UK, the leftists are actually gaining ground now, Tony Blair will be put to pastures soon and his replacement if I’m not mistaken is more anti-American than Blair is, the opposition is also anti-American, not that he has a chance which is just as well I suppose. Canada recently also elected conservatives but the left seems even more bolstered. In Australia our leftist opposition is doing so damn well in the polls it’s not funny. New Zealand recently elected leftists. If the French choose conservatism, good for them, but Conservatism is hard and slow and the benefits are only visible in the long term. In other words, it’s not media worthy, we cannot learn the benefits of it unless we do the research. Leftist ideology however is easy to sell, instant benefits, long term pain. It’s like the buy-now-pay-later ads you see on TV, you never see anyone taking out ads telling you to save and pay cash in two years do you. That, you have to learn on your own. I hope I am wrong, but from my understanding we are more likely to learn from our own mistakes than from others. 8:45 AM Beach Girl said... MK, I so value the perspectives of you at A Western Heart and Crusader Rabbit. I am so destressed right now that I see dark ages coming. Sheep to the slaughter. Usually I am very optimistic but when I see the Harry Reids and the Nancy Pelosis or the little Chuckie Schumers - I have to tell you, it ain't looking good. Perhaps, liberty, freedom, a democratic republic simply take too much work for the citizens and thus they willingly head for the chains of slavery. It may be that taking responsibility for ourselves, our own, our actions is simply too much work. ________________ As Bill O'Reilly asks, "What say you?" NOTE - please see MK's reply with links posted here in Comments. Thank you. Ever vigilant! Ever Free!


Blogger MathewK said...

Whooaa BG, wasn't expecting to make a post on your blog, but thanks for it.

BTW I thought I should let your readers know where I'm coming from on this. As I said in the comment, I posted on this a month or so ago, though it seems like a long time ago.

It was after a trip to the US and after doing a bit of reading and observing. They were pretty long so I broke them up into Two.
Link 1
Link 2
Please feel free to ask your readers to let me know their thoughts on it, am happy to take any criticisms (I have my shield ready) on it here. :-)

7:58 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Such a good little beach girl. See addition to post!

12:03 PM  
Blogger MathewK said...

Thanks BG.

1:14 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Always welcome!

8:06 AM  

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