Monday, December 11, 2006

Iraq - A test of Americans and of our Honor

One sure Guide in Iraq by Paul Greenberg, along with other commentators and editorial writers, echoes remarks I made in a post, Election 2006 - A Matter of Honor. I wish to comment a bit more. Mr. Greenberg suggests that policy makers should consult Winston Churchill whose words ring out for all to hear, whose words Greenberg quotes, "There is, however, one helpful guide, namely, for a nation to keep its word....This guide is called honor." Greenberg argues that the course of dishonor rests with the General John Murthas and "the growing number of Americans ready to throw in the bloody towel and let the Iraqis stew in their own juices." A horribly chilling notion - even perhaps for the most caring of liberal leftists - and a cowardly notion not worthy of our great nation. One more crucial quotation from Greenberg may bring the point closer to home, "Leave Iraq in disgrace and an old lesson will be taught much of the world once again: It may be dangerous to be America's enemy, but it is fatal to be its friend." God have mercy on us if we fail helpless Iraqis due to power-hungry politicians. Mr. Greenberg was writing of John McCain and McCain's call for more troops in Iraq to stabilize the nation; Greenberg ended with McCain's course for honor - saying that among the many guides open to us and our policy makers, "honor is the surest" course of all. In my post, I wrote that the Elections of 2006 were a matter of honor. I find terrible consequences may arise from the choices we Americans made by returning the Democrats to "power". Of course, time will determine if the Democratic leadership are people of honor or if they are the same people of dishonor whom we have suffered under before. That choice is theirs but they command little of my attention in writing this post to you today. It is you, the American people, who have been betrayed by your leadership in so many ways - the North American Union for one; the invasion and the resultant segregationist groups such as La Raza and others for another. Of course, it would be futile to remind most Mexicans (non-Spaniards) that they, the Mexicans, are half European and half Indian. Back to, back to... Honor American people have allowed the degeneration of our nation - there is hardly any gentility left; the nation, not our military, has become one that displays little or no honor. A case in point, black youth walk the boardwalk where I live treating the young black women as tramps and whores, calling and howlering "nigger" at each other, dressed as prison-escapees. I have been told that it's okay for black youth to howler out calling each other "nigger" and worse. That it is a "black" thing and I wouldn't understand. Note to black youth - the word is ugly and disgraceful no matter who uses it and you are not helping yourselves by directing the word at each other. And for the good of our nation, we'd better start looking at "it's an American thing" in terms of attitude. And pretty damn fast too. The pop-culture icons like Britney Spears are photographed "flashing" and the media creates a whirlwind of PR swirling around such icons when the icons should be arrested for "flashing", for indecent exposure. Try it yourself and you would be in handcuffs before you could say, "But officer..." And then we arrive at the infamous, now fully laughable and repugnant, example of the "castrated men" - the Iraq Study Group - calling on America to negotiate with Iran and Syria. Once stablized, that is for Iraq to do, not us. And Baker and the boys + one girl stating once again, "it's all Israel's fault." Shame, shame, shame on these once honorable but now dottering, blue-haired men. I, for one, thank God that these Neville Chamberlains had no hand in writing our US Constitution. The honor of the American people is headed for a serious blow. My American brothers and sisters, call out ENOUGH! We must stand by our word. Set your differences aside, stand on Honor, stand on our word as Americans - stand with the Iraqi men, women, and children who have put their faith in us. Help the fledgling democracy in Iraq until they vote for us to leave. We have been in Germany for 60 years - with military bases and all. We even tried recently to leave and they cried, "No." Abandoning Iraqi men, women, and children is to give them over to Iran and to give them over to slaughter. Do you want their blood on your hands? Or is it true? Does it all come down to Americans - speaking to my black American brothers and sisters here and to my elitist leaders. Certainly not talking to our men and women in the military - but to the other Americans - is it true that we have become a weak nation of un-educated, self-serving racists with no courage or honor left? Is that what we are preparing to show the world? I can't believe that is who we have become. I refuse to believe that is who we have become. We are a free and mighty land, a free and mighty people. In the face of relentless carping and criticism, our brave President Bush stands for us as Americans; our president stands for our Honor. Even as we fail him; in this, he will not fail us; he will not allow honor to be stripped from this noble land. Stand with our President Bush. Pass this test; stand by our word; stand by our Honor!


Blogger ANASTASIA said...

AMEN TO THAT !! THANK YOU. It needs to be said even more.

We are a free and mighty land, a free and mighty people. In the face of relentless carping and criticism, our brave President Bush stands for us as Americans; our president stands for our Honor. Even as we fail him; in this, he will not fail us; he will not allow honor to be stripped from this noble land.

Stand with our President Bush. Pass this test; stand by our word; stand by our Honor!

8:25 PM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Saying it as often as I can. :) :)

8:13 AM  

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