Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or

Yes, next on my reading list is Islam and Dhimmitude by Bat Ye'or. I have come late to the gathering of average folks who are just now venturing into the world of what dhimmitude is all about; not awakening to the threat of Islamic Imperialism but beginning to read more of the nature of that threat. The concept of a third tsunami of the centuries' old war between Christianity and Islam is not new to me. I have been telling friends who would listen - most don't want to know and, frankly don't care - that the Islamification of Europe is the latest surge of Islam in its drive to bring what has been called Christendom (the part of the world in which Christianity prevails) under the yoke of Sharia Law. What is new to me is to learn that one Muslim organization has just celebrated its 43 years as an active organization on behalf of Muslims in the United States. What is further news to me is why Muslims should need groups like CAIR (Council on American Islamic Relations) that ostensibly "work" for Muslim rights. Are those rights somehow different than the rights of other American folks like you and me? Do groups such as CAIR work to bring about "special" rights for Muslims so that Orwell's Animal Farm is far more advanced than we would want even to know. You know the theme: some animals are more equal than other animals, just transposed upon people. I have just begun Bat Ye'or's book. When I complete that one, I have Eurabia to read. I invite you - who are knew to the study of Islamic Imperialism's relentless march toward world domination - to join me.


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