Monday, June 16, 2008

A Sinking Ship of State - the USS America!

Sometimes you just write something because it seems so far-fetched it could never happen but the puzzle pieces seem to be there on the table anyway.  
And then, a blogger friend sends you a link that pretty well scares the be-Jesus out of you and you say, "OMG - it is happening!  These fools are not fools after all.  But are they traitors or just busy businessmen?  And we're cattle lowing all the way to the stockyard!"
Well, the sinking of the Good Ship USS America is one such situation and the link is a must-read:  2015 Merger of America with Europe.
The read is ugly and I have included only one quotation but it should be enough to spark your interest:
"This is the first meeting of the newly created Transatlantic Economic Council.  This council was established by President Bush, without a direct vote of the people, proposing to integrate the economies of the United States and the member countries of the EU.  This is a milestone for integrating the newly created North American Union with the European Union by integrating regulatory policies on food safety, immigration, and subordinate it, the United States, to continental union policies created by non-elected officials acting as representatives of a new world government."
I don't know about you but didn't we fight one revolution to get rid of our "European" overlords back in 1776?  Do we have to do it again?   And keep in mind, that "we the people" did not create the "newly created North American Union" - or were we on holiday the day that happened? 
A Hat/Tip and a Thanks to My Flanders Fields.


Blogger Rich said...

Beach Girl:

If there is ever something worth taking up the real muskets, this is it. This will bring Americans to arms. In the meantime we must keep protecting the 2nd ammendment because that will be what saves this nation from this heresy!

2:21 PM  
Blogger Flanders Fields said...

Thanks for linking, Beach Girl. It is happening in the US in the same way the EU happened in Europe. This time the good ole boys have the experience and transnational organizations to assist. They know the US is tougher, but they know that they are more organized and more powerful in many ways. The first steps are the softening up that Americans have been hit with to keep them disorganized, all while the media plays every tune except the one that they should be playing.

A few years ago, I would have said, "Americans accept it, Hell No!", but I'm not sure how many real Americans there are left.

2:04 PM  
Blogger Flanders Fields said...

Beach Girl,

Thanks for the link. For more information as to how this is being done without wholesale opposition by the American and Western peoples, may I refer you to the link following this excerpt:

"After the Frankfurt School group of social revolutionaries came to America in the mid-1930s, they looked around and observed an America that was Christian, capitalist and with patriarchal families, so they sensed there was potential for some kind of authoritarian regime as came about in the Hitlerian Germany they had left. As a result of these circumstances, "The Authoritarian Personality" came to serve as an ideological handbook for a national campaign against any kind of prejudice or discrimination on the theory that if these evils were not eradicated, another Holocaust might ensue. Political Correctness evolved from that milieu.

What had begun with the founding of the Frankfurt School in 1924 as destructive criticism of the elements of Western culture had ended in "The Authoritarian Personality" as a psychological method for pathologizing any evidence of religious, cultural or racial superiority in the thinking and behaviour among the American majority. No single religion was to be superior. No single culture was to be superior. And no single race was to be superior. And so multiculturalism was invented. And then no single sex was to be superior. And with nothing superior, there was nothing to value."


5:35 AM  
Blogger Cristina M. said...

That's why the democrats didn't like Bolton, he was all against this capitulation of America's sovereignity to the europeans.

2:34 AM  
Blogger Beach Girl said...

Everyone - link Flanders Fields' post. We need to get this around the internet.

My Flanders - I'm under the weather - will take look at other comment and then post it.

Cristina - Bolton's book was incredible. Dems cannot handle the truth on any level.

10:32 PM  
Blogger Rich said...

It is frustrating to see how few Americans see the threat against this country's freedom from globilization. Too many people just want to get through the day. It will take something big to get Americans truly up and taking arms, but I am afraid we are the frogs in the boiling water at this point. Too weakened to fight back. Every country must stand on their sovernty as a nation first. Fair trade and free trade is different from being governed by beauracrats. We have failed to learn our history and it shows. Our founders knew that men had a tendency to abuse power. If today's crop of politicians isn't a testament to that I don't know what is. We will continue to fight the war with words; for now...

10:12 AM  

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